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  Nr. 3513 de sambata, 24 decembrie 2005 
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Traian Basescu's years
2004 was the first one. Basescu became no.1 politician of the year after winning presidential elections. He had started his career in 2004 too, as president of a pocketsize party having about 10% of the electorate. At that time, to reach power, supreme power, was an illusion, something actually impossible, to that party. Moreover, the general mayor of Bucharest was isolated, marginalized and attacked by political adversaries, which made one more mandate difficult...   (4 afisari)
Free speech on trial
Not so long ago, there was jubilation that the free world and its values had prevailed in the Cold War. When the Communist empire collapsed, some even announced that the victory of liberty and democracy implied the "end of history."
But history never bowed out; at most, it only took a decade-long intermission, with its next act heralded by the terrorist attacks in the United States in September 2001. And here the plot has thickened. Instead of rejoicing in the liberal...   (3 afisari)
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Tanacu bomb
Spectacular changes have occurred in the Tanacu murder case. Forensic report by an expert chosen by former priest Corogeanu says the emergency female doctor is guilty. The report says doctor Lenuta Ciocan gave too much adrenaline to nun Irina, which caused her heart failure. Forensic doctor Dan Gheorghiu says violence did not cause the victim's death. These conclusions are to be sent to the Control Commission and the Superior Commission as well. The forensic chosen...   (5 afisari)
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President Basescu muffles bomb threat
Romanian president Traian Basescu claimed yesterday that the bomb threat in Kabul causing the route of the official delegation he was in to change hadn't been such an extraordinary incident. He explained: "This is childish. That is a war zone. There are at least some hundred threats a day everywhere there. There was a blast the previous time I was there too. This is it when you go to a battlefield. There was nothing special". The president...   (3 afisari)
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Salt mine's ceiling cracks in Ocnele Mari
Romanian families who inhabit the area around the retention lake in Ocnele Mari are to be evacuated because the salt mine's ceiling has been cracking since yesterday morning. Authorities have decided to evacuate people from the area because the dam of the retention lake accumulating salt water from the old salt mine collapsed too. (...). (G.M., L.M.)   (3 afisari)
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 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Dezvaluirile anului 2005 (428 afisari)
 Hristos se naste, Slaviti-L (267 afisari)
 Anii lui Traian Basescu (172 afisari)
 Bomba Tanacu (111 afisari)
 Petre Pandrea. Un stoic rural?(II) (109 afisari)
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