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  Nr. 3511 de joi, 22 decembrie 2005 
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Corrupted by reality
Three prestigious NGOs are denying the statements of Romanian president Traian Basescu and PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu on the achievements made in 2005. The leaders of APD (Pro Democracy Association), AMP (Press Monitor Agency) and TI (Transparency International) Romania had press conference yesterday and claimed this year Romania made no visible progress with the fight of corruption.
Dangerous boasting
Cristian Parvulescu (APD), Mircea Toma (AMP) and Victor Alistar...   (4 afisari)
Communist crimes to be searched
Murders, abuses and breaks of human rights committed during the communist regime in Romania are to be investigated and identified by a special institute. The latter is to inform criminal inquiry institutions so that they would take measures. The government decided it yesterday and established the Institute for Investigation on Communist Crimes in Romania. The new institute is to search the communist regime and the rulers of the time from an institutional...   (1 afisare)
President flew to Iraq
-- Sausages and pickles for Romanian soldiers
Yesterday Romanian president Traian Basescu visited the Romanian soldiers in Tallil, Iraq. The Romanian official took this opportunity to award those on mission. Presidential advisers Claudiu Saftoiu and Sergiu Medar and defense minister Teodor Atanasiu accompanied the Romanian president to Iraq. Basescu talked to General George Williams Casey jr., commander of the multinational force in Iraq, as well as to general major...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Status for officials' opulence
Yesterday Romanian MPs made themselves a Christmas gift by voting for their own status: a set of privileges on substantial pensions and diplomacy passports for their family members. Deputies' president Adrian Nastase warned Romanian president Traian Basescu that he could on play with such a law, just as not to promote it would be a mistake. They adopted the document after a noisy day, with arguments between the rulers and the opposition and hypocritical...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Court consented to set Cozma free
Yesterday the magistrates in Timisoara consented to Miron Cozma's solicitation to be set free on condition. Magistrates agreed to the proposal coming from the experts' commission in Timisoara Prison House. The Prosecutor's Office may deny this decision in three days' time. In case prosecutor's initiative fails, the ex leader in Valea Jiului is to be released from prison. (...) (G.T.)   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Senators passed new Criminal Code
Romanian senators passed yesterday the project law to modify the Criminal Code. MPs voted for no longer incriminating crimes such as insult, libel, adultery and defamation of the state. They also institutionalized juridical persons' criminal responsibility. Other amendments the senators in the Juridical Commission passed are on the spreading and communicating by all means of false information or documents touching upon state security. Such deeds...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
The most beloved Romanians in 2005
Yesterday Realitatea TV private station chose Romanian president Traian Basescu to be the best Romanian politician of 2005. More personalities were awarded: Florin Piersic (actor), Mona Musca (minister and MP), C.T. Popescu (political analyst and journalist), Ion Tiriac (businessman), Cristi Chivu (sportsman), Cozmin Gusa (young politician) and Irina Loghin (singer).
President Basescu said that although both journalists and political opponents...   (1 afisare)
UGIR-1903 wants practical measures for accession to EU
UGIR-1903 (the General Union of Romanian Industrialists) demands the government to start talks with representative union confederations in order to elaborate a set of practical measures and strict terms to allow Romanian industry and economy to prepare for accession to the EU. The plan should include measures on improving competitiveness, environment difficulties, improving the quality of labor force, elimination of bureaucracy,...   (1 afisare)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Milea a ordonat sa nu se traga! (441 afisari)
 Marea Neagra, rusii si Argetoianu (328 afisari)
 Diversiune grosolana la Judecatoria Mizil in dosarul MFA (294 afisari)
 Cei mai iubiti zece romani in 2005 (255 afisari)
 Amenzi majorate pentru soferii fara RCA (92 afisari)
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