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  Nr. 3508 de luni, 19 decembrie 2005 
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A journey in time with Tariceanu, Boc and Basescu
As everybody was eager to get a glass of wine and watch the handball final, the three man of power in Bucharest pleaded for the Democrat-Liberal fusion. This is about the prime minister of "the best government in the history of Romania", Calin Popescu Tariceanu, also president of PNL (the National Liberal Party). It is also about Emil Boc, the leader of a small party that has travelled from the opposition to power and from the left to...   (5 afisari)
Axis brought us much money
The third British proposal on EU budget, that is 862,5 billion Euro, was approved. Blair's offer is very advantageous to Romania, as no more and no less than 18,3% billion Euro is to reach our country in 2010-2013. Apart from it, there is also 10,8 billion Euro Romania supposed to get in 2007-2009. (...)
The Brussels agreement is good for Romania
British Ambassador to Bucharest Quinton Quayle said the agreement on EU budget was very good for Romania, because...   (1 afisare)
Conclusions on this year's governmental activity
Yesterday Traian Basescu and Calin Popescu Tariceanu looked like loyal partners and even friends. Their targets seemed to be the fight of corruption and the future of the PNL (the National Liberal Party)-PD (the Democrat Party) Alliance, that is the fusion of the two groups. Yesterday the two officials attended the Parliament Palace meeting for expressing the conclusions on this year's governmental activity of the Alliance. The president and...   (2 afisari)
Classification mania muffles corruption
Daniel Morar, attorney-in-chief of DNA (the National Anti-Corruption Department), asked for the modification of legislation on prosecutors' collaboration with institutions in charge of drawing reports on the fight of corruption.
He expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that reports by ANAF (the National Agency of Fiscal Administration) and the Court of Accounts could not be used as evidence by prosecutors in a criminal lawsuit. He mentioned that...   (1 afisare)
No more subventions for agriculture
Yesterday the 149 countries in WTO (World Trade Organization) adopted North-South compromise agreement, doing away with subventions for agriculture exports until 2013. The agreement opens way to future general agreement to cut down on customs fees all over the world, say AFP and Rompres. After 6-day thorough talks, under pressure coming from anti-globalization protests, all delegations adopted final declaration launching again the negotiations in the so-called...   (1 afisare)
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Munaf isn't going to be extradited
The Ministry of Justice informed Bucharest Court of Appeal yesterday that the US could not extradite Mohammad Munaf, the Romanian journalists' interpreter in Iraq, because Munaf "is not on US territory or on a territory occupied or under temporary control of the US." (...) On grounds of Law 302/2004 on international cooperation in criminal matters, the Romanian general attorney is going to appeal against the Justice minister's order turning...   (1 afisare)
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Voiculescu wants to protest against civil society in Parliament
Conservatives' president Dan Voiculescu criticized civil society representatives in Romania. Hinting at Alina Mungiu-Pippidi, Freedom House and the Romanian Academic Society, Voiculescu claimed: "As a party trying to promote laws, we don't enjoy as much visibility as those who say they represent civil society in Romania." He insisted: "This is something I don't understand. Who represents civil society in Romania?"...   (1 afisare)
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Bird flu virus in Ialomita
The Romanian Ministry of Agriculture informs the H5 bird flu virus has been confirmed in samples taken from fowl in Marsilieni, the district of Ialomita. The virus has been confirmed in 5 households in the locality. Marsilieni is now in quarantine and all domestic fowls there are to be killed and peasants are to be paid damages. (...) (L.M.)   (1 afisare)
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