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  Nr. 3507 de sambata, 17 decembrie 2005 
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What next for Europe?
In many ways, 2005 has been Europe's annus horibilis. It began well, when Spanish voters approved the draft European Union constitution, but it turned sour when French and Dutch voters spurned it soon after. Those votes partly reflected displeasure with domestic policies, and partly disappointment with the way governments conduct European affairs.
Governments promptly obliged with more of the same. Within days of the votes, they failed to agree on the EU budget...   (2 afisari)
One against the other
One new dispute burst out between Romanian president Traian Basescu and PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu on Thursday evening in Brussels, in front of Romanian journalists and one French journalist. It happened during the common press conference of the two, after the first day of debates in the last EU summit under the British presidency over the EU. It was because the Romania PM went beyond his attributions in foreign affairs, with view to the strategy on the Moldovan Republic....   (4 afisari)
Politicians' opinions on Moscovici report
-- Vadim makes UDMR's victory look tiny
PRM ("Great Romania" Party) president Corneliu Vadim Tudor opined yesterday that Pierre Moscovici's report on Romania was "a new and embarrassing defeat" of UDMR (the Democrat Union of Hungarians in Romania). The PRM leader was visibly ironical: "All that is left is the recommendation for cultural autonomy. But as we can see, it is just a recommendation. There was something like this 10 years ago: recommendation...   (1 afisare)
Spy-investigator is the dream of one secret service
Cotroceni Administration wants to change laws on secret services, as CNI (the National Information Community) has been established @ One information service came up with proposal that its officers should get attributions to draw preliminary documents on threats against national security @ Such initiative is unlikely to turn into law because it contradicts EU norms
The National Security Department in the Presidential Administration demanded...   (2 afisari)
Russia and Ukraine hand in hand for Transdniestria
Russian president Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian president Victor Yushchenko opined on Thursday that mission to maintain peace in Transdniestria could be replaced with an OSCE operation, calling for the withdrawal of Russian soldiers and bringing European forces instead, says Kommersant Russian daily. The latter publication notices it is surprising that Russia has agreed to have its peace troops replaced with OSCE forces. In a press release...   (2 afisari)
New Fiscal Code is not in use starting with January 1, 2006
The project to modify the Fiscal Code is not going to be in use starting with January 1, 2006, but after some time would have passed since consensus. The date for consensus is to be decided, said Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu yesterday in Brussels. (...) According to the Fiscal Code in use at present, no fiscal modification can usually get in use before 6 months have passed since the official adoption of the...   (4 afisari)
Basescu thinks the British will make some exceptions
Romanian president Traian Basescu was estimating on Thursday, in the opening of the winter session of the European Council, that the British presidency over the EU would make some more exceptions. The Romanian president said: "There can be no development of the Union on national interests unless we say we have got cohesion and solidarity as principles of European construction." Basescu emphasized that Bucharest officials were very critical...   (2 afisari)
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 Petre Pandrea. Un stoic rural? (I) (203 afisari)
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