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  Nr. 3505 de joi, 15 decembrie 2005 
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Russia's Pipeline to Empire
Gerhard Schroeder, who less than a month ago was Germany's Chancellor, has agreed to become chairman of the company that is building a gas pipeline from Russia, across the Baltic Sea to Germany, and on through Western Europe. In many countries, Schroeder would now be charged with the crime of conflict of interest. His apparent ethical lapse is magnified by the fact that, at this very moment, Russia is threatening to cut off Ukraine's gas supplies if that country...   (1 afisare)
One crucial day for Romania
-- Brussels debate on EU budget, Strasbourg voting on European Parliament's report
The scandal on alleged CIA secret operations in Europe, the EU budget on 2007-2013 and report on the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the EU were the prevailing issues in yesterday's Strasbourg meeting, just one day before the EU summit in Brussels that Romanian president Traian Basescu is to attend too. Romania has now got an almost unique chance: unless the budget favors Romania...   (1 afisare)
Romania was shown safeguard clause
As the time for voting has come, there is hope for Romania and Bulgaria in the European Parliament's final debate. There are also open warnings, as tough as never before. As for the hope, both Rapporteur Pierre Moscovici and Council president Douglas Alexander emphasized Romania's visible progress and possibility to stick to the calendar and January 1st, 2007 as targeted date. Moscovici outlined Romania's progress for accession and mentioned the many changes...   (2 afisari)
Tariceanu against British view on budget
Romania shares the view of the 10 new members of the EU and it won't stand by the British proposal of EU budget in 2007-2013 unless it is substantially improved, said Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu yesterday. He explained: "We were waiting for a proposal grounded on the fundamental principle that the European Union has been built on, the principle that has had rich countries help less developed ones and dwindle discrepancies. Unfortunately,...   (1 afisare)
Child adoption law won't change
The Romanian government hasn't got the slightest intention to modify international child adoption legislation, said Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu. The Romanian official mentioned he had lately noticed statements, American included, asking for legislation revision. The PM emphasized that the law passed in June 2004 and in use since January 2005 no longer allowed for international child adoption. The PM explained: "This law places the child's interests...   (2 afisari)      1 comentariu
Basescu claims there are clues on of EU funds for CSM to be sacked
Romanian president Traian Basescu claims there are clues on EU funds for CSM (the Superior Council of Magistrates) to be sacked. He asked CSM members to find means of institutional collaboration with the government and the Ministry of Justice. In yesterday's plenary session of CSM members Basescu said he was worried about Brussels clues on Romania's accession to the EU and that there were problems with the fight of corruption...   (1 afisare)
Europe keeps an eye on Bastroe canal
-- International Commission for the Protection of the Danube to monitor Ukraine anti-ecological action
The 8th yearly reunion of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube took place in December 12-13 in Vienna. A delegation from the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Environment Ministry attended the event. The Ukrainian project to build Bastroe canal was one more time analyzed by the representatives of Danube states and environment...   (3 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanian possibly to take over commission investigating Hariri's death
It is possible that a Romanian should take over the UN commission investigating Hariri's death. Mediafax informs the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Public Ministry suggested three Romanian magistrates, among whom a military magistrate. Romanian general attorney Ilie Botos confirmed it yesterday: "There are some proposals the officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are analyzing. It is about...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanian president promulgated budget
Yesterday Romanian president Traian Basescu promulgated the state social insurance budget as well as the state budget the Constitutional Court described as constitutional. Constitutional Court judges turned down opposition senators' complaint against this normative document. (...) The Court's decision is final. It is to be obeyed after being published in "The Official Monitor." (R.G.)   (2 afisari)
Social-Democrats' critique of Liberal-Democrat alliance at rule
A year of crises and political instability. And God punished us with all sorts of natural calamities. This is how PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) president Mircea Geoana described yesterday the 1-year activity of the Liberal-Democrat alliance at rule and of Tariceanu's Cabinet. Along with PSD executive president Adrian Nastase, Geoana listed this year's failures of the right-oriented alliance, claiming the latter...   (1 afisare)
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