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  Nr. 3503 de marti, 13 decembrie 2005 
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LATEST - In Brief
Romanian health system in chaos
After checks in almost 150 Romanian hospitals, several directors were dismissed on Sunday. Romanian health minister Eugen Nicolaescu claims that checks have unveiled unjustified debts, poor fund management, illegal public acquisitions and staff employed without obeying legal conditions. All the staff dismissed is now asking minister Nicolaescu for explanations. The latter explains: "The hospitals checked fit three different categories: 1. hospitals...   (1 afisare)
The Black Sea is hot issue
One year ago Romanian president Traian Basescu came up with policy on the Washington-London-Bucharest Axis. Ever since then diplomats have been paying attention to the Black Sea issue, hotter and hotter. (...) River states, the enlarged Black Sea region, the European Union and the United States are determined to carry out project to provide security to a region that can change Russia's energy monopoly as compared to Europe. Yesterday the ZIUA Foreign Affairs Department...   (1 afisare)
Ratification of the treaty of accession on the right way
Although they stir reticence in the European community, ex Yugoslavia states must get a European perspective, said Romanian minister of foreign affairs Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu yesterday, in the Brussels reunion of the Council for General Affairs and Foreign Relations. The minister gave details: "There must be a European perspective for these states, with no time and process conditions." He added that careful check was still needed....   (1 afisare)
   (3 afisari)
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PNL-PD Alliance calms UDMR down
The leaders of PNL (the National Liberal Party)-PD (the Democrat Party) Alliance decided yesterday to come up with several amendments to the law on national minorities' status, one of them meant to eliminate the points on the Cultural Autonomy Council and its attributions to pass to the National Council to Fight Discrimination. Alliance spokesman Eugen Nicolaescu announced that Liberal and Democrat leaders agreed to talk about it in Coalition meeting...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Robin Barnett to become British Ambassador in Bucharest
Robin Barnett is going to be the new British Ambassador to Romania. Her Majesty King Elizabeth II is going to provide present British Ambassador to Romanian Quinton Quayle with other diplomacy tasks. Barnett is to take over in May 2006. The future Ambassador of Great Britain is 47, he is former visa coordinator and charge d'affairs of the British mission in Warsaw. Barnett started his career in diplomacy in 1980 and he was...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Visa free for London to be decided next spring
Romanian Interior Minister Vasile Blaga estimated yesterday that Great Britain could abandon the visa system for Romanians in the spring of 2006. The minister opined that Great Britain would certainly ask for no more visas from Romanians before January 1st, 2007. Blaga mentioned there was no worrying illegal migration of Romanians to this country, but a "legal and specialized migration", meaning Romanians committing crimes against...   (2 afisari)
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PSD complains against CNI
PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) sent complaint against decision to establish CNI (the National Information Community), announced PSD spokesman Cristian Diaconescu yesterday. He reiterated the PSD opinion that such an institution lacked legislative support, that is the Parliament's consent, and was meant to provide Romanian president Traian Basescu with control on information from the special services. Diaconesu explained: "Legally speaking, CSAT (the...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Campaign for Parliament's credibility to come
Yesterday the members of the Permanent Bureau in the Chamber of Deputies considered the idea to start campaign in February 2006 to improve the Parliament's credibility. The campaign is to include debates in mini TV studios that other TV channels would take over too. Adrian Nastase, president of the Chamber of Deputies, explained: "We want to start a certain campaign for better credibility of the Parliament in February 1. We want to...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Priplata isn't going to be extradited
Brno Court decided the Czech Republic would not extradite Frantisek Priplata, sentenced to 8 years of prison in Romania for involvement in the assassination of union leader Virgil Sahleanu. The Czech minister of foreign affairs has recently said that Priplata's stay in their country was legal. (...) Another official in the Czech Ministry explained that the Czech criminal legislation would not extradite Czech citizens so that they would be...   (1 afisare)
Romania along with EU
The Romanian Ministry of Economy announces Romania is going to have a position of negotiation in keeping with that of the European Union in the 6th Ministerial Conference of WTO (World Trade Organization), due to the Treaty of Accession signed in April 2005 and the invitation Romania got to attend as active observer in community structures. This year's edition of the above-mentioned conference is due in December 13-18 in Hong Kong and about 6,000 people...   (2 afisari)
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