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  Nr. 3499 de joi, 8 decembrie 2005 
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US to bring special operation forces to Romania
The agreement on access signed in Cotroceni Palace on Tuesday evening is mainly a political document that settles the general framework on various fields (political, military, financial, logistical and juridical). It also settles the activity of US military forces to come to Romania, as well as interaction and mutual obligations. Apart from this agreement, the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Pentagon are to sign more documents...   (2 afisari)
Under anti-missile shield
The US strategic system is going to protect Romania against ballistic missiles possibly coming from Russia, China, Pakistan, India or Iran. International press has noticed that the agreement signed in Bucharest leads to the first US military bases in country formerly part of the Warsaw Pact. Patriot missile protection likely in Dobrogea is to be accompanied by strategic protection provided by special bases in Alaska and California. Irritation has reached climax...   (4 afisari)
European Council to watch detainees in Romania
The European Council announced by release that the European committee for preventing torture, punishment and inhuman or degrading treatment would analyze treatment used for detainees in 10 European states, Romania included. It is part of the its "regular" visit program. Romania is to be checked along with Armenia, Azerbaidjan, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, France, Ireland, Monaco, Slovenia and Macedonia. The above-mentioned committee is entitled...   (4 afisari)
Onisoru accused of playing by SRI rules
Politicians, civil society representatives and members of the CNSAS (the National Council for Research on the Archive of the Communist Secret Service) leading board had debate yesterday on the future of CNSAS. Pro Democracy Association arranged the meeting. They talked about the relations between the above-mentioned institution and SRI (the Romanian secret Service), as well as about the difficulties CNSAS was having with taking over the archive of...   (3 afisari)
Germany is for Romania's accession
The German government expressed support for Romania's accession to the EU a long time ago and has not changed attitude ever since. But Bucharest must meet requirements included in the treaty of accession. German Ambassador to Bucharest Wilfried Gruber stated it yesterday evening, in a speech delivered in front of representatives of the Romanian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Gruber warned: "Romania has made significant progress with reforms and...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanians in Timoc appeal to Romanian authorities
The Federation of Romanians in Serbia with offices in Timoc, whose representatives are in Bucharest these days, demand Romanian officials for support for urgently promoting the project law on Romanians from everywhere. They believe it to be highly important to include in this normative document the synonymy between "vlah" and "Romanian". Predrag Balasevic, co-president of the Federation, explained yesterday: "We need to promote...   (5 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
New Romanian ambassadors
The Foreign Affairs Commissions in the Romanian Senate and Deputy Chamber consented to the new Romanian ambassadors to be named in Germany, Luxembourg, Cypress, the Czech Republic and Columbia. Bogdan Mazuru is to become Romanian ambassador to Germany. He was political secretary at the Romanian Embassy in Washington, Romanian ambassador to Washington as well as permanent representative to the North-Atlantic Council. Maria Pastarnac, formerly working for...   (3 afisari)
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 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Basescu si-a pus generalii (183 afisari)
 Femeia-macelar si-a recunoscut crima (59 afisari)
 Sub scutul antiracheta (46 afisari)
 Cand preotii vorbesc despre teatru (39 afisari)
 3136 de copii cu pojar, nici un vinovat (33 afisari)
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