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  Nr. 3493 de miercuri, 30 noiembrie 2005 
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"I'm demanding Traian Basescu to declare his groups of interests"
Ex president of Romanian Emil Constantinescu demanded Romanian president Traian Basescu to declare his groups of interests and make clear his connection to the ex Communist Secret Service. Constantinescu said in news conference: "I'm demanding Traian Basescu to declare his groups of interests, to declare he is no longer indebted to them and to declare he doesn't intend to run for the following presidential mandate. He should...   (2 afisari)      1 comentariu
PM's phone call was innocent
PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu's phone call to general attorney Ilie Botos, made right after authorities had retained businessman Dinu Patriciu, did not touch upon the independence of prosecutors handling the Rompetrol case. But the Public Ministry chief should have informed CSM (the Superior Council of Magistrates) about the phone talk with the PM. Mediafax cites the report by CSM's judiciary inspection department, mentioning that the Romanian general attorney,...   (1 afisare)
Tariceanu is against talks on budget
Romanian PM Calin Popescu-Tariceanu says he is against any talks with PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) on the budget. This way he takes distance from President Basescu's statement. The latter said that the reply of one party in the Alliance to the PSD proposal to have meeting for restarting debates had been "a little arrogant and whimsical." The PM commented yesterday before the meeting of the Liberals' Executive Committee: "I am against any talks with...   (1 afisare)
Tariceanu learnt about Rompetrol shares from Ziarul Financiar
Yesterday prosecutors questioned PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu as witness in the Rompetrol case. After the questioning Tariceanu told the press he wrote a 3-page statement explaining prosecutors how he had bought Rompetrol shares in 2004, relying on press information. (...)
"My bank accounts are no secret"
Tariceanu said he explained to prosecutors about how he had bought Rompetrol shares in April 2004, before he became a...   (1 afisare)
Civic Forum against oligarchic system
-- Constantinescu launched "The European Generation"
Ex president of Romania Emil Constantinescu came up with a civic forum project yesterday. It is called "The European Generation" and it is aimed at a social move to oppose the "oligarchic system". The launching took place in the Parliament Palace. (...).
The president of AP (the Popular Action Party) said: "I am pleading for the European Generation Forum, a construction that would offer diversity,...   (1 afisare)
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Merry National Day of Romania
Romanians celebrate tomorrow the National Day of Romania and authorities have been making preparations for grand celebration. Two military parades in Bucharest and Alba-Iulia are to open the public holiday in December 1. (...)
Basescu will take walks in Bucharest
Romanian president Traian Basescu is to attend the military parade in Bucharest. (...) The president has announced he wants the National Day of Romania to be a merry one. He says he...   (3 afisari)
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Adrian Vasilescu interviewed by Sorin Rosca Stanescu: The true dilemma: Is it the fish or the fishing rod?
Rep.: The year to come won't be any easier. On the contrary, it will be more difficult. Things will become clear. After 365 days, at the end of 2006, we will know the exact way to go.
A.V.: I think we will know it sooner. The great battle for the EU accession is to be fought this winter. The European Commission's report due in spring is a test. If last summer we made no...   (1 afisare)
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European Commission supports Romanian legislation on child adoption
The European Commission opines there are no reasons to change the Romanian legislation on child adoption, despite recent statements asking Romania for it, says press release.
In the latter document it is mentioned: "The European Commission wishes to reiterate that, as mentioned in the report on Romania released in October 2005, the new legislation on children's rights and child adoption, in use since January...   (1 afisare)
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Stenograms case was closed
Prosecutors in the anti-corruption department closed the case on the alleged stenograms of PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) meetings. Investigators concluded there were not enough elements showing the crimes NGOs had been pointing to. Mediafax informs that prosecutors decided not to start criminal inquiry against ex Justice minister Rodica Stanoiu and ex finance minister Florin Georgescu. (...) (B.C.G.)   (2 afisari)
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Presidential dirt
The statement Traian Basescu made in 1999 was published and it unveil the dirt in Cotroceni Palace. Mugur Ciuvica disclosed the president's statement from the talk the ex Democrat leader had had with Dorin Marian, just as the president said in TV show. The adviser of ex president of Romanian Emil Constantinescu had recorded the ex transport minister without the latter's knowledge. Dorin Marian kept the recording for he wanted to use in a libel suit that fainted....   (4 afisari)
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Basescu is convinced there were no CIA prisons in Romania
Basescu said during TV talk show on Monday evening that he was convinced there were no CIA prisons in Romania to host terrorist suspects. He said: "I am convinced there were no prisons for terrorists in Romania. There are only our prisons." But he admitting persisting suspicion, despite his statements to the press and foreign officials. (...) (D.E.)   (4 afisari)
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