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  Nr. 3491 de luni, 28 noiembrie 2005 
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Valeriu Stoica starts the great assault
Valeriu Stoica has announced the opening of political debate on the dramatic future of PNL (the National Liberal Party). He has used his latest analyses ZIUA published for pretext. This way Valeriu Stoica is actually starting offensive against Calin Popescu Tariceanu, as PM and especially as president of PNL. Stoica had explicitly asked that Tariceanu should be sacked from both positions. Knives are therefore visible and their edges look bloody...   (1 afisare)
CIA prison scandal is menace to Romania's accession
The CIA secret prison scandal strikes back as menace to Romania's accession to the EU. Elmar Brok, president of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the European Parliament, said that there would follow talk about Romania's accession in case it was proved that such prisons existed on Romanian territory. Steve Crashow, chief of Human Rights Watch organization, accused Romania and Poland once again of having hosted CIA secret detention centers....   (1 afisare)
Bird flu reached Braila
Scarlatesti village in the district of Braila has been under quarantine ever since Saturday. The H5 bird flu virus was detected in a domestic fowl in the locality and samples are to be sent to the UK laboratory for tests. Romanian agriculture minister Gheorghe Flutur said they isolated the locality right after the virus had been detected. The members of the National Anti-Epizootic Committee had a meeting on Saturday afternoon in Bucharest for analysis and decision...   (2 afisari)
PSD wants government to resign
At the end of last week Mircea Geoana and Ion Iliescu started tough attack against Tariceanu's Cabinet. While in Resita, the president of PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) explained the present government was made up of oligarchs. On the other hand, senator Ion Iliescu asked government representatives to make electoral promises come true. PSD representatives from Caras-Severin, Timis, Arad and Hunedoara, along with party leaders, adopted declaration claiming...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Tariceanu attends Barcelona summit
Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu is attending the Barcelona summit today, as guest of British PM Tony Blair. The event celebrates 10 years since the establishing of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, unknown as the "Barcelona Process", says press release from the Romanian government. The event has been arranged by the British presidency of the EU and His Majesty King Juan Carlos I is to attend the opening. The main objective of the Barcelona...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Basescu demands education employees to start work
Yesterday Romanian president Traian Basescu appealed to education employees, demanding them to start work today and explaining that education union leaders were to continue local consulting with union members. The president opined it was schoolchildren and students who were most harmed because of the strike and this is why he asked education staff to give up protests. Basescu also outlined that the offer the government made yesterday...   (1 afisare)
PEP is pessimistic
In the next 3 years the commercial deficit is to grow 3,5 billion Euro larger and reach more than 11 billion Euro, due to the rhythm of import faster than the export one, says the 2005 edition of PEP (the Pre-Accession Economic Program). The document estimates that in the coming years export of goods will increase with 10,7 billion Euro up to 32,6 billion Euro in 2008. (...) The current account deficit as part of the internal raw product is expected to go down to 8,1%...   (1 afisare)
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