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  Nr. 3490 de sambata, 26 noiembrie 2005 
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The unavoidable political shift between right and left
Many political analysts are amazed at the bizarre shift to the left of the Coalition at rule in Romania. I don't mean the excessively populist messages of president Traian Basescu for two reasons. Firstly because they are the effect of electoral wanderings the head of state is still bound to and secondly because after a year since he was elected president he is still perceived as the daddy of PD (the Democrat Party) and the latter...   (2 afisari)
Dick Marty said there were very clear clues
Dick Martin, European Council Rapporteur handling the CIA secret prisons, said yesterday in Bucharest that there was no reason to doubt the statements of the Romanian and Polish governments. The latter had mentioned having no information about CIA secret detention centers in their countries. But he warned the Permanent Commission members in the European Council's Parliamentary Assembly that they were not to be naive about it, because there were...   (1 afisare)
Invisible leaflets
President Traian Basescu said during Realitatea TV program that he was the target of mob groups. He explained: "This is the unbelievable battle of groups whose members shook hands. My thanks to the press who has contributed to the weakening of the president's position by saying <He is like us, the mob guys. >" He added more: "Right now leaflets are being distributed. They have precise messages about how Basescu is taking the money of priests, teachers and doctors." Bucharest...   (1 afisare)
Romanian officials realize Ukraine doesn't give up Bastroe project
Bucharest authorities have got no choice but remind Ukraine that any administrative decision to continue building operations on Bastroe canal means severe harm to the Danube Delta. Romanian minister of foreign affairs Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu stated it yesterday. Romania demands Ukraine to take into account the results international commissions have got so far, before making administrative decision to go on with building the...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
General Medar is chief of CNI
Lieutenant general Sergiu Medar, general president of DGIA (the General Defense Information Department), was named presidential adviser for national defense and security, a position that had been vacant after Vasile Blaga had become interior minister. Even if president Traian Basescu insinuated he would have liked a civilian in this position, we can see he chose a military expert. General Medar will also coordinate the recently established CNI (the...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Minorities' status is no condition for accession to EU
Democrat EU observer Monica Iacob Ridzi said in yesterday's news conference that consent to the project law on national minorities' status was not a condition for Romania's accession to the EU. The Democrat deputy opined that MPs from UDMR (the Democrat Union of Hungarians in Romania) had done powerful lobby in the European Parliament so that in the Moscovici report there would be included some amendments for "compromise"...   (3 afisari)
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 Bazele militare ale SUA in regiunea Marii Negre (68 afisari)
 Atentatele de la Amman si serviciul secret iordanian (34 afisari)
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