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  Nr. 3488 de joi, 24 noiembrie 2005 
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Anti-Tariceanu group about to start final assault
Ever since May the alliance made up of Social-Democrats and Liberals has lost much of the electorate: 16%. President Basescu has also lost 12%, according to the latest opinion poll. The decline of the power at rule and of the "president-player" who will soon be left with no electoral engine, is tearing to pieces any plan on early elections initiated by right political groups. But it is the Liberals who have reached the highest deficit,...   (5 afisari)
European Parliament gives Romania one more chance
Yesterday morning the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament voted for the Moscovici Report on the stage of Romania's preparations for accession to the European Union. 55 members voted for it, 2 were against the Report and 5 would not express opinion.
The document elaborated by Pierre Moscovici is to be debated by European Parliament members and the voting is due in the plenary session in December.
The Moscovici Report...   (4 afisari)
CSM postponed Botos-Tariceanu case
CSM (the Superior Council of Magistrates) decided yesterday that next week there would follow debate on the conclusions reached in CSM inspectors' report on the legal nature of PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu's phone call to Romanian general attorney Ilie Botos. (...)
Mediafax mentions sources saying that after the recent modifications to laws on magistrates, prosecutors are subordinate to the Executive so that the PM's phone call to Botos can't be interpreted...   (1 afisare)
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Morar criticized CSM
The prosecutor-in-chief of DNA (the National Anti-Corruption Department) was tough to criticize CSM (the Superior Council of Magistrates) members because of their attitude in the case of judge Maria Huza. DNA chief Daniel Morar said: "It is a very severe deed for a magistrate and CSM member to threaten a prosecutor." He described the above-mentioned judge's attitude as "defying", because the latter had said none of her colleague judges would handle her case,...   (1 afisare)
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Education employees hold on
Romanian education union federations have decided to go on with protests. The Education Ministry says that early this week only 55% of education employees were still on strike. But Catalin Croitoru, president of the National Education federation, says ministry statistics are not exactly right because they are meant to bring protesters are discord. Education unions are determined to go on with the strike until the government meets their claims, especially...   (2 afisari)
Romanians want money more than EU accession
Most Romanians think the main issue the government should focus on is the improving of wages, says opinion poll by Gallup Organisation Romania. As for what Romanians expect the government to achieve, the EU accession comes third, after floods. Most of Romanians are dissatisfied with the lives they lead and believe the rulers don't care about their decisions, needs, interests and expectations. On the other hand, there are many Romanians who still...   (2 afisari)
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PSD wants CNI under parliamentary control
PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) member Ion Stan opined yesterday that such as CSAT (the Supreme Council for National Defense) conceived it, CNI (the National Information Community) was an "undemocratic" and politicized project that would turn into a center of power in case of no parliamentary control and would make use of all classified information against political opponents. (...) Stan claimed that such an information service could no...   (1 afisare)
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Voronin: We won't get united to Romania
Vladimir Voronin said on Tuesday evening that the Moldovan Republic had no intention to get united to Romania, says Rompres. In his recent interview to Chisinau television, Moldovan president Vladimir Voronin argued: "There are two independent states. I agreed with the president of Romania that Moldova and Romania would meet in the European Union as independent, sovereign states." Voronin pleaded that the political treaty with Romania should...   (3 afisari)
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