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  Nr. 3487 de miercuri, 23 noiembrie 2005 
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Bolkenstein discrimination
A worker working abroad will be paid just like in his/her native country, says the Bolkenstein Directive, now under debate by the Labor Commission of the European Parliament. In case the document passes, Romanian workers working in EU states will be paid just like in Romania, meaning about 300 Euro a month. The above-mentioned directive is about to cause real scandal, as EU states are against it. Dan Cristescu, president of "Familia" General Federation of Building...   (2 afisari)
US criticizes Bucharest authorities' lack of transparency
Information from the US Embassy in Bucharest says US Charge d'Affairs in Romania Mark Taplin described the longevity of the Romanian-US partnership as "remarkable", but mentioned it depended mainly on the stimulation of economical and commercial relations between the two states, which was discouraged at present by some local practices. Yesterday Mark Taplin delivered speech at Romanian Association for International Law and Relations,...   (1 afisare)
Government and politics don't make us happy
Romanians are deeply dissatisfied with the activity of the present government. Almost 80% of them say the government is not at all efficient in fields like health, jobs and standards of life. As compared to May this year, Romanians are now even more displeased with the progress of all fields in Romania. When they hear about politics, most Romanians (76%) turn their backs. The Romanians' low interest in politics can be seen because of the large...   (1 afisare)
Red for Romania
Fitch Ratings Fiscal Evaluation Agency reaffirmed grades for Romania yesterday, warning that Romanian economy was overheating: the increase of current account deficit and excessive liquidity, says Mediafax. Press release from the above-mentioned agency says the rating of long-term currency debts has been confirmed to "BBB minus" and the rating of national currency debts has been conferred to "BBB". (...)
Fitch Agency expert Nick Eisinger explained: "The low investment...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Basescu against corrupted state cliche
In yesterday's press conference with foreign journalists in Paris, Romanian president Traian Basescu said Romanian authorities would no longer put up with the cliche describing Romania as corrupted country. The Romanian head of state mentioned that too many foreign politicians got used to uttering the corrupted state cliche when describing Romania. Basescu explained: "We respect opinions, but right now we have got arguments against such...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Public CSM meeting on Botos-Tariceanu case
The report on CSM (the Superior Council of Magistrates) checks concerning PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu's phone call to Romanian general attorney Ilie Botos in the Rompetrol case has been completed and it is to be debated in public meeting. CSM vice president Liviu Dascalescu announced it yesterday. (...) He also mentioned that the report would be subject to public CSM meeting and a term would be set depending on the resolution of CSM president...   (1 afisare)
PIN demands withdrawal of national minorities' status
PIN (the National Initiative Party) representatives have drawn report on the law project on national minorities' status. The report has concluded: "The status provides legal framework for the building of a Magyar enclave in the Romanian districts of Harghita and Covasna." Starting from the ideas that the project law is a reflection of the political program of UDMR (the Democrat Union of Hungarians in Romania), grounded on revisionist,...   (2 afisari)
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 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Discriminarea (552 afisari)
 Afaceri murdare la Orsova (280 afisari)
 Fata nevazuta a lui Pacepa (152 afisari)
 Stiri pe scurt (78 afisari)
 Tariceanu, omul telefoanelor (77 afisari)
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