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  Nr. 3486 de marti, 22 noiembrie 2005 
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A peace tasting arsenic
The latest reconciliation between PNL (the Romanian Liberal Party) and PD (the Democratic Party) is, from many standpoints, a kind of poisoned peace. The leaders of the two parties met on Sunday, but they did not touch cups of with champagne in the end. One may say it had rather seemed a cup of poison. Although, as it is true that the abyss between the Liberals and President Traian Basescu will grow bigger and bigger till it becomes a precipice in which the hopes...   (7 afisari)
Ohanesian, claim for damages
The reporter Ovidiu Ohanesian, who had been held hostage in Iraq for 55 days, instituted yesterday, a claim for damages in the brief Omar Hayssam and Muhammad Mounaf are judged for the kidnapping of the three Romanian journalists in Baghdad. The process, which is ongoing at the Appeal Court in Bucharest, was postponed for two weeks, due to the fact that the US Embassy in Bucharest had not answered the solicitation of the Court regarding the place Mohammad Mounaf...   (4 afisari)
Basescu, with the Black Sea matter before Chirac
President Traian Basescu had, yesterday, in Paris, an official meeting with the French President, Jacques Chirac, occasion on which the two chiefs of State discussed about Romania's accession to the EU and European security matters, says Mediafax in a news release. More offhandedly than his French homologous, who adopted a reserved attitude towards the media, and refused to make statements, President Basescu did not shrink from detailing the...   (6 afisari)
The Regulation of the Chamber of Deputies, under the examination of the Commission
The deputies members of the Juridical Commission are to examine the objections of the Constitutional Court regarding the non-constitutionality of some articles in the new Regulation of the Chamber of Deputies, among which the one regarding the dismissal of the chairman of the Chamber of Deputies. The members of the Commission will draw up a report that will be analyzed in a plenary session of the Chamber of...   (3 afisari)
The peace alliance
The leaders of the Liberals and of the Democrats agreed, Sunday evening, in a secret meeting, on harmonizing, from now on, their opinions and public statements, as they appreciated the war carried on in the media by some of the PNL (the National Liberal Party) and PD (the Democratic Party) leaders meant nothing but a great harm to the Alliance. The parties established that, in the future, the discontentment appeared should be expressed behind the closed doors and not before...   (4 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
The CSM Cartel
ZIUA daily shows you the record of the talks of 16 November in the Superior Council of Magistrates (Rom. CSM), from which one can clearly see how the magistrates treat the laws 303/2004, 304/2004, 317/2004 and the Deontology Code. Members of the CSM, the warrant of the independence of Justice, fight the law when it is about a member of the clan. Judge Maria Huza, instead of coming before the National Department against Corruption (Rom. DNA), where she had been summoned,...   (5 afisari)
The Transniedstria Enclave
The leader of Rodina Party, Dmitri Rogozin, appreciates that Transniedstria "is much closer to Russia than to Romania", according to Regnum News Agency. "If the Republic of Moldova tends to unite with Romania, Transniedstria has the right to join the Russian Federation. Though, it will be an enclave. But we also have other enclaves, we have the Kaliningrad region as an enclave, we will have Transniedstria as an enclave, we also have Sakhalin and the Kurile Isles,...   (9 afisari)
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 Torquemada, Hitler si .... (123 afisari)
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 Cartelul CSM (94 afisari)
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