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  Nr. 3484 de sambata, 19 noiembrie 2005 
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Kogalniceanu base on ex CIA prison list
US president's statement saying the US use no means as torture can be denied. This is what an ex CIA chief has suggested, also confirming the existence of CIA secret prisons. The ex CIA chief has also mentioned the military air base in Kogalniceanu as location used by the US agency, says Mediafax. Admiral Stansfield Turner said in an interview to ITM News that he didn't trust the US president's statement that the US did not make use of torture and...   (1 afisare)
Basescu promised he would never phone a prosecutor
Romanian president Traian Basescu stated in an interview to RFI that nobody could set terms and norms for Justice and say "you have got 3 months to sentence 5 people". He said there was only EU pressure on Romania, but not terms. The Romanian head of state explained: "We have set new legislation to make the fight of corruption efficient, we have provided Justice with the independence it needs to work, the National Anti-Corruption Office...   (1 afisare)
Basescu got himself the Information Community
Yesterday's meeting of CSAT (the Supreme Council for National Defense) was a stormy one, as president Basescu managed only in the end to impose his view on the future CNI (the National Information Community). Even if the Liberals had a different view on means to establish the CNI and wanted it under parliamentary or PM's control, Tariceanu could not get such a thing. After almost 7 hours of talks, CSAT members managed to reach consensus on the...   (1 afisare)
There aren't two letters, but six
Rompetrol Group president Dinu Patriciu has sent six letters asking several institutions to make sure the presumption of innocent is obeyed, as far as Rompetrol any other economic agent or citizens are concerned. The letters are meant for Romanian president Traian Basescu, PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, president of the Superior Council of Magistrates Dan Lupascu, Deputy Chamber president Adrian Nastase, head of the EU Delegation in Romanian Jonathan Scheele...   (1 afisare)
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Barroso is for enlarged Europe
President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso stated for Nepszabadsag daily that he was against a miniature Europe and despite pessimist and cynical views, he pleaded for the idea that enlarged Europe could be much more profound and powerful. Barroso opined that new EU states brought fresh energy and dynamism to EU, along with great experience in economic reforms, greater than that of older EU states. (...) Barroso said it was beyond doubt...   (1 afisare)
Social-Democrats complained to European Parliament
Social-Democrat MPs sent letters to European Parliament president Josep Borrell and EU Rapporteur for Romania Pierre Moscovici, expressing concern about the eventual "unconstitutional " revocation of Senate president Nicolae Vacaroiu and Deputy Chamber president Adrian Nastase. Mediefax cites spokesman of Social-Democrat deputies Victor Ponta saying they wrote the letters after Liberals' vice president Puiu Hasotti had criticized...   (1 afisare)
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Severin criticized Macovei
Social-Democrat deputy Adrian Severin warned yesterday about danger that Romania's accession to the EU should e postponed till 2008. Severin is the chief of Romanian Social-Democrat observers to the EU and yesterday he claimed that the European Parliament was concerned about the efficiency of administration, corruption and the state of the Roma minority n Romania. EU Commissioner for Justice Franco Frattini talked about information on CIA detention centers...   (3 afisari)
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Three Communist Secret Service agents
Ex president of Romania Emil Constantinescu said Traian Basescu, Theodor Stolojan and Adrian Nastase were part of the "oligarchic system", made up of ex Communist Secret Service agents, nomenclature staff and people who could be subject to blackmail. Constantinescu said in TV show: " Somebody who comes from the system obeys the system, but he doesn't rule the system." Constantinescu opined that Basescu was obliged to groups of interests. He...   (2 afisari)
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