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  Nr. 3481 de miercuri, 16 noiembrie 2005 
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Stop coddling Belarus
Lenin once said that capitalists were so cynical that they would sell the Soviets the rope with which they would hang them. Lenin and communism have passed away, but that cynical indifference to suffering when profits are involved remains.
Belarus provides a glaring example. The European Parliament has consistently denounced Belarus as Europe's last dictatorship, yet EU member governments continue business as usual with Aleksander Lukashenka, the country's wayward...   (2 afisari)
Constitutional Court's opinion: The revocation of Parliament presidents is unconstitutional
The Constitutional Court decided on Monday evening that those articles on the revocation of the Senate and Deputy Chamber presidents, included in the regulation of both Chambers, were unconstitutional. This way the Court partly admitted the complaints written by PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) and PRM ("Great Romania" Party).
Court debates took place on Friday and Monday and decision was reached...   (1 afisare)
Olli Rehn: "We would not hesitate to recommend the postponement"
-- Interview with Olli Rehn, European Commissioner for Enlargement
Rep.: Successive enlargements over the past decade have increased the bloc to 25 Member States. Which lessons have been learned from these experiences to pave the way forward for further enlargement?
A carefully managed enlargement process is one of the EU's most powerful and most successful policy tools. The pull of the EU helps the democratic and economic...   (1 afisare)
Macovei: No people will be sentenced in high corruption cases till April
On Monday evening while in Strasbourg, after debate on the report on Romania by EU Rapporteur Pierre Moscovici, Romanian Justice minister Monica Macovei said that until the European Commission's report on Romania due in April no people would be sentenced for high corruption. Macovei added Romania still had to prove that the anti-corruption system worked. Macovei explained: "MEPs in the Foreign Affairs Committee of the...   (1 afisare)
Estonia and Russia at loggerheads
-- Moscow sanctions Vilnius for denouncing Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact by starting new diplomacy scandal
Tension between the Baltic States and the Russian Federation is growing again because of new diplomacy scandal. At the end of last week Estonia protested against Moscow's decision to provide entry visa to Estonian minister of foreign affairs Urmas Paet. The scandal's echoes can be felt in Vilnius too, where the ZIUA reporter has arrived, after being invited...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Fortunes grow faster than PIB in Romania
As compared to last year, the fortunes of the 300 richest Romanians have grown $ 3 billion larger this year. The 4th edition of the top published in"Capital" magazine, the fortunes of the 300 richest Romanians reach about $ 16 billion, which is about 22% of PIB (the internal raw product) in Romania. In 2004, the richest Romanians' fortunes reached slightly more than 17% of PIB, which proves that wealth grows faster than PIB. Real estate,...   (7 afisari)      1 comentariu
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Education employees' whims
-- Education employees on strike unveiled their true face: it is not underfinancing of education that bother them, but their own wages and communist-like job exams * The Court is to decide on whether to suspend protests or not today * Street scandal goes on
After yesterday's meeting of the 4 union federations' leaders, local leaders of education unions decided to continue strike, as they thought the Executive's offer was not meeting their claims. (...)...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Mystery plane coming from Romania landed in Palma de Mallorca
Spanish interior minister announced yesterday the start of inquiry, as several Spanish publications unveiled that CIA planes transporting terrorist suspects had at least 10 secret stops in the Balearic Islands, says BBC. A Boeing 737 under N313P coming from Bucharest and used by CIA to carry terrorist suspects landed in Palma de Mallorca in January 2004, said El Pais daily yesterday. (L.P.)   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Priplata threatens to appeal to ECHR
Frantisek Priplata, who fled to the Czech Republic after having been sentenced in Romania, will send complaint against Romania to ECHR (the European Court of Human Rights) in Strasbourg this week. Priplata claims Romanian authorities made up charges against him and did not allow him to have efficient defence in court. In 2000 Frantisek Priplata was sentenced to 8 years of prison for instigation to the assassination of union leader Virgil Sahleanu....   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Opposition wanted to send budget back to commissions
MPs started debates on the new state budget project for 2006. Talks opened with rulers' representatives and opposition leaders getting even, as the representatives of PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) and PRM ("Great Romania" Party) claimed the project should be sent back to special commissions because of modifications on fund distribution, especially in the field of education. Despite such protests from PSD and PRM, MPs still...   (1 afisare)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Intalnire in duh (53 afisari)
 O reconstituire necesara (36 afisari)
 Averile romanilor cresc mai repede decat PIB (32 afisari)
 Olteanu - puntea intre Executiv si Legislativ (29 afisari)
 Michael Jackson s-a machiat in toaleta doamnelor (23 afisari)
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