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  Nr. 3480 de marti, 15 noiembrie 2005 
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EU watches CIA and adoptions in Romania
Strasbourg hosted last evening the first reading of the European Parliament's report project on Romania's preparations for the accession to the EU, decided to take place in January 1st, 2007, by the Foreign Affairs Committee, says Rompres. The debate focused on the information presented to the Committee by EU Rapporteur for Romania Pierre Moscovici. The first Committee voting is due on November 23rd. MEPs are to vote on the document in the session...   (1 afisare)
Alliance in confusion
Romanian Liberals and Democrats no longer managed to reach consensus within D.A. ("Truth and Justice") Alliance and present it in yesterday's meeting of members in the Coalition at rule. PNL (the National Liberal Party) and PD (the Democrat Party) are no longer getting along as far as at least four projects are concerned: the modification of the law on the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the law to ban political migration, the lustration law and the referendum one....   (2 afisari)
Tariceanu admits there is no B plan in case education employees don't stop strike
Offer to provide 5% of the internal raw product to the education budget and 8% raise of education staff wages shows the government's willingness and the power of Romanian economy. Authorities have got no B plan in case the strike goes on. This is what PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu said yesterday. He explained: "There is no B plan, unfortunately. I think the offer to finance education with 5% of the internal raw...   (1 afisare)
The iron man
A warning report elaborated by Ovidiu Sincai Institute portrays Romanian president Traian Basescu as a very powerful leader, able to intervene in order to change the configuration of Romanian politics. The document is not meant for the public and the members of the National Permanent Bureau of PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) talked about it yesterday. The report titled "The Intensification of Traian Basescu's Authoritative Attitude" says the head of state intends to "destroy...   (1 afisare)
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Bird flu virus in Caraorman
200 fowls in to be killed in Caraorman and owners to be paid damages @ Authorities decided quarantine in the area @ Migratory birds bring the H5N1 to Romania, the red-necked goose the most dangerous of them, also a protected species about to become extinct
The H5 bird flu virus was identified in 5 hens from Caraorman locality in the Danube Delta just two days after authorities ended quarantine on the Romanian locality where the bird flu virus had...   (2 afisari)
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Budget got to the Parliament unchanged
Adrian Nastase, president of the Chamber of Deputies, said yesterday that the government representative informed the two Chambers' Permanent Bureaus that the budget on 2006 would reach debate without modification on education funds.
Nastase opined: "The debate on the budget we are going to discuss about was anyway hotter, because some of us thought the budget to be debated starting with tomorrow would set 5% of the internal raw product...   (1 afisare)
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UN rapporteur accused Romania, Poland and Hungary
Hungarian minister of foreign affairs denies all accusations published in the Italian press, saying in Hungary there is a prison for terrorist suspects CIA grabs. The information has been provided by Hungarian ministry spokesman Viktor Polgar. The latter has also mentioned that the Hungarian ministry has already started action to make thinks clear with Il Manifesto Italian daily. Ministry officials are also trying to get in touch...   (3 afisari)
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Romanian killed in Paris outskirts
One Romanian died and another was severely injured after being shot in Paris outskirts two days ago. A gang from Aubervilliers attacked 21-year old Ilie Florin Mois from Satu Mare and Florin Pop when the two were leaving the disco. Several youngsters, most likely Arabians or Albanians, fired the guns when the two Romanian citizens and more friends were leaving the disco. (...) Ilie Mois was taken to the Beaujon Hospital in Porte de Clichy, where...   (4 afisari)
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