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  Nr. 3478 de sambata, 12 noiembrie 2005 
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The Scission Percentage
The PM and the President are again one against the other, this time at the expenses of the Education. After Basescu had intervened, Thursday, in the negotiations and asked for a 5% envelope for the Education from the GDP, Tariceanu explained yesterday where the chief of State was wrong. "The Government shows its availability to use all the funds coming to the budget on different chapters, according to the needs of the Romanian society. This money is not...   (1 afisare)
Romania, halfway towards accession
Romania solved more than half of the problems relating to its EU membership, and the fields that still have to be worked upon are the State allowances, the absorption of the post- accession funds, the borders management and the fight against corruption, the chief of the Delegation of the European Commission in Romania, Jonathan Scheele, stated yesterday. In connection with Romania's capacity to absorb post- accession funds, Scheele said that,...   (2 afisari)
The Rompetrol Letters
Representatives of the Rompetrol Group will send to the main high officials of the Romanian State and to those of the Delegation of the European Commission in Bucharest letters in which they will refer to the abuses the company is subjected to. The president of the mineral oil group, Dinu Patriciu, stated yesterday, at Navodari, that the necessary documentation would be addressed to the Prime Minister, the country's President, the president of the Superior...   (1 afisare)
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 Ticu Dumitrescu: "Doctrina populara" a ingropat PNTCD (48 afisari)
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