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  Nr. 3477 de vineri, 11 noiembrie 2005 
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The President
-- Ten years after the death of the Great Corneliu Coposu, we republish the homage we brought him on November 3rd, 1995
God gives to extremely few people the chance to trespass into eternity before the terrible bound to non-existence. Corneliu Coposu, Romania's Moral President, is a chosen one. Corneliu Coposu's discreet and tenacious endeavour of the last six years, the courage, consistency and spirit of sacrifice he had been laying down at the foundations of the Romanian...   (3 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Basescu intervenes in the talks between the Government and the education trade unions and pleads for an envelope of 5% of the GDP for the education system. Some politicians consider the President's statement, occurred at the investiture of the new minister, Mihail Hardau, as an interference in the Executive's affairs, while some other see it as a good intervention. The chief of State pointed out that the funds achieved from the increase of the budget should not...   (1 afisare)
Basescu wants a referendum on the Constitution within a year
-- Unclear relationship between the President and the Executive
President Traian Basescu stated yesterday, at the beginning of the talks with the civil society representatives on the reform of the Parliament, that even after having been modified, the Constitution does not define clearly the President-Executive and President-Parliament relationships. At first, the chief of State said the debates regarding the reform of the political...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
The Government will try to buy back the Peles Palace
Two days ago, the Constitutional Court declared as unconstitutional the draft bill on compensating King Mihai I with 30 million EURO for the loss of the Peles, Pelisor and Foisor Castles. The Government will try now to buy back the Peles domain, so that the Peles Museum remains in the patrimony of the Romanian State the way it is now, and accessible to the Romanian citizens.
The delegated minister for Relations with the Parliament,...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Kiev, back to Kucima's practices
Despite the smiles of the Ukrainian minister of Foreign Affairs, who made a visit to Bucharest yesterday, the Kiev administration continues the Kuchyma-type practices. The campaign for the protection of the Danube Delta keeps ongoing in Ukraine, and there are well-grounded reasons for that. First of all, the civil servants of the administration of the revolutionary President Viktor Yushchenko have preserved the mentality of the Kucima's regime,...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Russians turned the lights off in Chisinau
The electric power plant in the Separatist Republic of Transniedstria, controlled by the RAO EES Russian company and which provided electricity to Moldova, cut off yesterday the deliveries to the Republic, says a news statement issued by the Russian News Agency Russia up-to-date. The electric power plant was providing about 50% of the country's electricity supply. For this reason, Moldova has switched now to its State reserves, by this...   (1 afisare)
PIN, to ask for the withdrawal of the draft bill on the minorities' statute
Representatives of the National Initiative Party (Rom. PIN) ask for the withdrawal of the draft bill regarding the statute of the national minorities in the Romanian Parliament. "A draft bill like this one not just that it may blow up the political life, but also the public life in Romania, and that is why call on responsibility", the PIN leader Cosmin Gusa said, according to a Mediafax news release....   (1 afisare)
50 years of the Bundeswehr
"Decisively for peace" is the motto under which the Bundeswehr is showing its commitment as an "army on active duty". This year, on november 10, the Bundeswehr, Germany's Federal Armed Forces, is celebrating the 50th anniversary of its foundation. As a political instrument, it is intended to be an ambassador of a Germany that assumes its responsibilities within the community of nations, performs essential international peacekeeping duties, and thereby strengthens...   (2 afisari)
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