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  Nr. 3476 de joi, 10 noiembrie 2005 
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Farewell to you, tandem! I'll be with you!
The political toy that hit the market last year has broken and it can't be mended. The Basescu-Tariceanu tandem no longer exists officially since Tuesday - was it the ill omen? - when the president of PNL (the National Liberal Party) made a highly significant statement in the Parliament. Starting from that very moment, the Executive chief assumed he would only obey the Parliament, apart from the staff in PNL, in the Alliance and in the Coalition....   (2 afisari)
No damages to be paid to King Mihai
The Constitutional Court decided yesterday that the law project saying the Romanian state was to pay 30 million Euro damages to His Majesty King Mihai I of Hohenzollern Sigmaringen for the castles in Pelisor, Peles and Foisor, as well as for the paintings and goods hosted there, was unconstitutional. The decision is to be sent to the president of Romania, the presidents of the Deputy Chamber and Senate, as well as to the Romanian PM. It is to be published...   (3 afisari)      2 comentarii
Russian minister of foreign affairs Serghei Lavrov interviewed
-- Russia gives no heritage back to Romania
Russian military troops are going to stay in Transdniestria. This is the main piece of news after the visit of Russian minister of foreign affairs Serghei Lavrov to Bucharest. The Russian minister said there were 500 Russian soldiers of the Peace Force in the separatist region in Transdniestria, together with more 1,00 soldiers to protect munitions deposits of the ex Russian Army XIV....   (1 afisare)
   (1 afisare)
Academia Catavencu asks Botos should be dismissed
Catevencu Academy will sue the Romanian state at Strasbourg because of action to check on the bank accounts of some of the weekly's shareowners, said in yesterday's press conference Mircea Toma, president of AMP (The Press Monitoring Agency). The representatives of Catavencu weekly summoned Justice minister Monica Macovei to dismiss general attorney Ilie Botos or resign herself. They claimed that institutions such as the Office for Money...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Patriciu had meeting with Tariceanu
-- Rompetrol president also requested appointment to president Basescu
Yesterday morning Rompetrol president Dinu Patriciu had a meeting with PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, says Victoria Palace. The press release mentions: "During the meeting the Rompetrol president expressed his point of view on the need to obey the presumption of innocence in investigations on the company he represented and informed about alleged information leaking from the Prosecutor's...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Constitutional Court to decide on revocation of Parliament presidents next week
On Monday Constitutional Court members are to go on with debate on some articles in the regulation of both Parliament chambers, as several senators and deputies from PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) and PRM ("Great Romania" Party) invoked the articles' unconstitutionality. (...) Deputy Chamber president Adrian Nastase has already announced that he would no longer run as candidate to the same position...   (1 afisare)
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