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  Nr. 3474 de marti, 8 noiembrie 2005 
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Basescu-Tariceanu war about to reach end of stage
It is no longer a secret to anyone that the conflict between the two has been on for quite a time now. Romanian public opinion is eager about and foreign public opinion is amazed at such mutual attacks, which the head of state started. The end of this war, that is the victory of one or the other protagonist, is still unknown. But the end of stage is drawing near. And this time the loser is Calin Popescu Tariceanu.
Sometimes we can grasp...   (5 afisari)
Coalition decided to get rid of Social-Democrat staff
Last week the Liberals restarted initiative to get rid of PSD (Social-Democrat Party) staff in state institutions. In yesterday's meeting the leaders of the PNL (the National Liberal Party)-PD (the Democrat Party) Alliance talked about it again. The Democrats agreed that they should speed up with procedures to sack public institution heads who had been named by the former party at rule. Alliance spokesman Eugen Nicolaescu said solution...   (2 afisari)
More than 80% of education staff on strike
Education staff protests ongoing in more than 80% of Romanian education institutions have most determined action since 1990, as pre-university and university education staff along with students are participating. Protests will continue till the protesters' claims are met. Protests started because of the Romanian Executive's offer for an education budget lower than promised in electoral campaign. Education employees demand budget for 2006 to reach...   (138 afisari)
Lavrov comes to Bucharest with no heritage
Russian Federation's foreign affairs minister Serghei Lavrov is to pay a visit to Romania today. This is part of a tour including Pristina and Belgrade. The Russian official is to have meetings with Romanian foreign affairs minister Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu and PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu. Lavrov is not going to meet Romanian president Traian Basescu, as today the latter is paying official visit to Slovakia. In tomorrow's paper you can read an interview...   (28 afisari)
Poiana Mare mental hospital employees protest
About 150 employees of the mental hospital in Poiana Mare (Dolj) started protests on Sunday night, threatening to resign unless Romanian health minister Eugen Nicolaescu changed his mind on decision to close down the hospital. Ileana Ionescu, president of Sanitas local organization in Dolj, said: "People are scared. All Sanitas organizations in Oltenia have expressed support for us. But I can tell you that during the night we were threatened...   (2 afisari)
Public acquisitions no longer secret
The Romanian government is going to elaborate new project on public acquisition to improve the transparency of fund using. The project is to be based on suggestions from civil society representatives and include points on confidential information about privatization, concession and public-private partnership programs. Yesterday Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu had a meeting with civil society representatives and talked about the transparency of...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Common procedure for law on national minorities' status
Yesterday the Permanent Bureau in the Deputy Chamber turned down PM Tariceanu's request for emergency procedure on the law on national minorities' status and agreed to common procedure debate in 30 days' time. (...) Democrats' leader Emil Boc announced yesterday that his party was for this project, but they would come up with amendments to be decided by Coalition members. (...) (R.A., A.H.)   (1 afisare)
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 Top afisari / comentarii 
 More than 80% of education staff on strike (138 afisari)
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 Rusia la granita naturala a Romaniei (79 afisari)
 A fost demolat spitalul in care a murit Elvis (67 afisari)
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