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  Nr. 3466 de sambata, 29 octombrie 2005 
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Tariceanu is tired of Boc
The Coalition at rule is going through tough times again because of the budget for education, which Democrat minister Mircea Miclea criticized when resigning. The Liberals are criticizing the attitude of their partners at rule, who voted on Thursday against the education budget, which they considered to be too low. PM Tariceanu got mad: "Is this budget only the Finance Ministry's or the Liberal Party's? My Liberal colleagues might get fed-up with such attitude."...   (1 afisare)
Russians wouldn't leave Transdniestria
Russian forces "to maintain peace" are going to stay in separatist Transdniestria till the reaching of political decision to change their status, said Russian defense minister Serghei Ivanov yesterday. His statement is harsh on Moldava, as talks on Transdniestria are going on in new format, including the US and EU as observers, apart from Russia, Ukraine, Moldava, Transdniestria and OSCE. But so far participants wouldn't do too much talk on their efforts....   (1 afisare)
Communist Secret Service agents among magistrates
-- Ex Communist Secret Service agents say they weren't part of the political police
Claudiu Secasiu, member of CNSAS (the National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) said in his interview to BBC yesterday that there were Romanian magistrates who had been agents of the Communist Secret Service, but who were claiming they had not had such collaboration. CSM (the Superior Council of Magistrates) demanded CNSAS to inform...   (1 afisare)
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Assault on banks
Basescu starts assault on the baking system by presidential adviser Stolojan. Controceni has criticized the too large difference between interests paid and interests cashed, which is "unmoved." The presidential adviser has outlined this is "unacceptable in market economy". Mugur Isarescu, Governor of the National Bank of Romania, has repeatedly asked banks to give up gains from the too large difference between deposit interests and credit interests. The president...   (1 afisare)
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Roma people to reach ministries
Vice president of PNL (the National Liberal Party) Teodor Melescanu said after the Bucharest seminar on the situation of the Roma people, arranged by Romanian and Dutch Liberals, that his party would plead for the Roma people to be represented in every structure of central and local administration. Mediafax cites Melescanu: "We are going to plead that Roma people should be represented at governmental level and in local authorities. Roma people might...   (3 afisari)
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Heron died because of H5N1
The bird flu virus H5N1 was confirmed in samples taken from one heron in Vaslui. Great Britain experts said it was the H5N1 that killed the bird, informs the Romanian Ministry of Agriculture. (...) Authorities say the Anti-Epizootic Center decided to intensify monitoring of wild bird on the bank of the Prut River, where the heron was found dead. (...) Prefect of Vaslui Ioan Zaharia said there was need of no more measures than the initial ones. (...)...   (1 afisare)
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CNCD watches Vadim and Funar
Pro Europe League has informed CNCD (the National Council to Fight Discrimination) about "the severe offence against the Magyar community" by PRM ("Great Romania" Party) senators Vadim Tudor and Gheorghe Funar during debate on the law project on national minorities' status. Pro Europe League informs by press release: "Under the pretext of parliamentary debate on the law project on the status of national minorities in Romania, senators Corneliu Vadim...   (1 afisare)
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Sculptor Ion Irimescu died
102-year old Romanian sculptor Ion Irimescu died on Thursday night. The funeral of the well-known Romanian artist, a professor of drawing and sculpture in Romanian academies of Iasi, Bucharest and Cluj, is to take place on Sunday. (D.C.)   (1 afisare)
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