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  Nr. 3463 de miercuri, 26 octombrie 2005 
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Council of Europe envoy's strange visit to Latvia (II)
Frunda went on to fault Latvia for not feeling like a "wealthy country in terms of many ethnic and national groups" -- an obvious misdescription of which he must have been aware since he only raised the Russian issue in Latvia. He criticized the government for "requiring" visas from non-citizen residents who travel to European Union countries, although that requirement is not a Latvian one, and is a normal one for the destination...   (3 afisari)
The last train
Corruption is still Romania's greatest difficulty. The main cause of it is the lack of practical measures to prevent and fight especially high level corruption. Because of it Romania's accession to the European Union might be late. This is the attitude expressed yesterday in the European Commission's autumn report released in Strasbourg. Although the report is technically perceived as positive, the postponement of accession is still present as menace. EU Commissioner Olli...   (1 afisare)
When will they cast the dice for Romania?
"Bulgaria and Romania have been making significant progress with preparations for accession so far. Despite it, the dice hasn't been cast yet. In the following months attention must focus on the real use of reforms". This is what European Commissioner for Enlargement Olli Rehn said yesterday when releasing the reports on Bulgaria and Romania in Strasbourg.
Very well, but... This report is the best that Romania has got during the process of accession....   (1 afisare)
Ratification makes no progress
This year no significant progress has been made with the ratification of the EU accession treaties of Romania and Bulgaria, signed in April. MPs from only 4 out of the 25 EU states ratified the document: Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Older EU members have postponed the process, waiting for the final evaluation of the two states' progress by the European Commission, due in April 2006. Although French senate president Christian Poncelet...   (1 afisare)
Parliament regulation on the way to Court
Yesterday Romanian deputies passed the modification of the Deputy Chamber Regulation. The new document is after the revocation of Social Democrat president of the Chamber of Deputies Adrian Nastase. The final voting expressed yesterday took place after 9 months of groping debates. Yesterday deputies used the nominal vote, as suggested by Social Democrat Miron Mitrea. It was only PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) members who voted against the new...   (1 afisare)
Coalition goes on
After their meeting on Monday evening, the leaders of Coalition parties managed to do away with a conflict caused by the fact that PC (the Conservative Party) had voted along with PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) and PRM ("Great Romania" Party) against the project law on national minorities' status. Yesterday evening they agreed that deputies should vote on the Executive's version of this project, to the satisfaction of UDMR (the Democrat Union of Hungarians...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Terrorists recruited in Romania pleaded not guilty
The two Arab dentists educated in Romania and arrested by the Israeli secret services pleaded not guilty in front of the judge at the District Trial House in Haifa. The trial on doctor Abd el Saalem Zidan (36) from Kfar Manda, Galilee, and doctor Nazmi Hassin (35) will go on. The two Israelis under charges are now retained. They are charged with having been recruited by Hamas fundamentalist group in 1994-2003. Nazmi Hassin even...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
PSD lied to EU
-- Nastase's party left no high corruption case behind
Mircea Zarie, assistant of the general attorney in the National Anti-Corruption Department, said that when he had taken over he had found none of the 40 high corruption cases announced by ex justice minister Cristian Diaconescu. Rador says Zarie unveiled one of the greatest misinformation campaigns lately. Zarie mentioned such information had been meant to persuade Brussels authorities into fulfilling EU membership...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Roma people to be mentioned in the Holocaust definition
Yesterday Romanian president Traian Basescu sent back to the Parliament the law on banning fascist, racist and xenophobe organizations and symbols so that the document would be revised. He suggested that the definition of Holocaust should also mention the Roma minority. According to Presidency press release, it is "normal" to include the Roma minority in the document (...) Several international documents were invoked to support...   (3 afisari)
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