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  Nr. 3460 de sambata, 22 octombrie 2005 
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Why is Emil Boc leaving? Where is he going to?
Both questions are grounded. And there can be more. Emil Boc is president of the Democrat Party, formerly ruled by Traian Basescu. The part Boc is supposed to play is two-sided. It's probably the loser's part. His personality is under full eclipse, as long as the party obediently follows Cotroceni directions in all matters: both domestic and foreign affairs, relations inside the Coalition or the Alliance, attitude towards the two opposition...   (1 afisare)
Cold War Lessons for George W. Bush
President Bush recently drew an analogy between the current struggle against violent jihadi terrorism and the Cold War. He is right in one respect: waves of terrorism tend to be generational. Unfortunately, like the Cold War, the current "war on terror" is likely to be a matter of decades, not years.
But Bush missed another lesson implicit in his analogy: the importance of using the soft power of culture. The Cold War was won by a combination of...   (2 afisari)
Udrea quits
State adviser Elena Udrea resigned yesterday, says press release from the Presidential Administration. The chief of presidential staff explains her resignation: "I have noticed that every time the president's fight of high corruption has made some progress, attacks deeply unfair and aggressive against me and more people who support this initiative have started and the reason for it can only be fear that the law would be applied." Udrea explains more: "Even if none of the mass...   (2 afisari)
Farewell to guru Bivolaru
Yesterday the Swedish Supreme Court turned down Romanian authorities' request for the extradition of Gregorian Bivolaru, leader of the Group for Spiritual Integration in the Absolute. On Thursday Bivolaru was set free from Malmo, Sweden. Then the Swedish court decided to turn down the request for extradition, but Romanian authorities were officially informed about it yesterday at noon. Bivolaru is now waiting for the Swedish authorities' decision on his request...   (9 afisari)
Trafficking in children by means of international adoptions
Romanian authorities should make things clear on two cases of alleged trafficking in children by means of international adoptions. ORA (The Romanian Office for Adoption) informed Romanian general attorney Ilie Botos on two fishy cases of international adoption: children supposed to be adopted abroad are in the country and different underage are sent abroad instead. ORA demands investigations on trafficking in children, as this can...   (1 afisare)
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Bird flu in Vaslui
Bird flu virus H5 virus was identified in Vaslui too, on samples taken from a heron (a migratory bird) found dead on the bank of the Prut River, says the Agriculture Ministry. According to Mediafax, samples are to be sent to Great Britain for tests. (...)
(L.M.)   (1 afisare)
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Nastase and Vacaroiu to be revoked in one month's time
Emil Boc, president of the Democrat Party, said yesterday in Bistrita that both Parliament presidents would be revoked by the end of November. The Democrat leader expressed hope that the new regulation points on the revocation of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies presidents would be perceived as legitimate by the Constitutional Court. As for the replacing of district council presidents, Boc said it once again that it was...   (1 afisare)
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Law on minorities' status on the verge of passing tacitly
UDMR (the Democrat Union of Hungarians in Romania) senator Gyorgy Frunda said yesterday in Targu Mures that the law project on the status of ethnic minorities would pass tacitly unless senators proceeded to final voting on Monday. Medifax cites Frunda: "The law passes tacitly unless the final voting is proceeded to on Monday. According to the modified Constitution, the law passes tacitly in case in 60 days' time it no decision...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Severin: EU Commission's report won't mention safeguard clause
Adrian Severin, leader of Romanian Social-Democrat observers to the European Parliament, opined yesterday that the report on Romania the European Commission would release the following week won't mention the safeguard clause: "This report will avoid the safeguard clause, but it doesn't mean the danger has passed for good. The critical moment will be the country report due next spring." Severin said that the absence...   (1 afisare)
Romania can join EU without agreement with IMF
The EU Delegation in Romania told Mediafax yesterday that there could be no official connection between Romanian's agreements with the IMF (the International Monetary Fund) and Romania's accession to the EU. EU representatives to Romanian mentioned: "Despite it, stable macroeconomic context is an official indicator of Romania's preparations to become EU member and the stages of Romania's agreements with the IMF can provide significant information...   (1 afisare)
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