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  Nr. 3456 de marti, 18 octombrie 2005 
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The politics of frustration
Does extreme poverty breed violence and ultimately revolution? Many people believe that it does, and seek to explain phenomena ranging from guerrilla insurgencies to Islamist terrorism accordingly.
But Karl Marx and Alexis de Tocqueville, the two great social analysts of the nineteenth century, knew better what makes people tick, and what makes societies change. Extreme poverty breeds apathy, not rebellion. The very poor can at most be used for occasional...   (1 afisare)
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Avian flu has got nothing to do with Romania's accession
President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Durao Barroso said the avian flu spots detected in Romania and Turkey wouldn't affect the accession to the European Union of these states, says Rompres. He told journalists in Stockholm: "I don't think we should make any connection between avian flu and accession. I don't see the connection." As for the measures to be taken by EU states, yesterday the EU Commissioner for Health...   (1 afisare)
Democrats set condition to budget voting
PD (the Democrat Party) decided to name no new minister to replace Mircea Miclea who had resigned until more funds were provided for the field of education. The Democrats are determined to go that far as not to vote for the budget project unless funds for education reach about 5% of the internal raw product. And Mircea Miclea won't change his mind about resignation, claims PD president Emil Boc. The stubbornness of PD leader irritated PM Calin Popescu...   (1 afisare)
Virus is under control
Agriculture minister Gheorghe Flutur announced yesterday that there were no more samples to show the presence of the avian flu virus in Romania. So far the virus was detected in only 2 localities: Ceamurlia de Jos and Maliuc. In the former they discovered the H5N1, the most dangerous avian flu virus. As for the second locality, samples had a rather complicated way and were sent to London for tests rather late. (...)
WHO in Romania
Yesterday Guenael Rodier,...   (1 afisare)
Some EU officials regret Romania doesn't take part in talks on Transdniestria
The Moldavian Republic's accession to the EU might take place at the same time with Turkey's accession, said Guido Podesta, president of the All-Party Romanian-EU Parliamentary Committee and member of the European People's Party, in an interview to "Adevarul" daily.
The EU official said the conflict on Transdniestria was the main obstacle in the Moldavian Republic's way to EU. (...)
Romanian opinions in...   (1 afisare)
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Now or never
PNL (the National Liberal Party) - PD (the Democrat Party) Alliance has started new assault to modify regulation and norms so that to allow for the replacing of Parliament presidents Nicolae Vacaroiu and Adrian Nastase and of Social Democrat presidents of district councils. Alliance leaders met yesterday and decided to go on with the process of modifying Parliament regulation and turned down compromise with the Social-Democrats. The Democrats and Liberals agreed that...   (1 afisare)
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Omar and Munaf in front of the court
Omar Hayssam and Mohammad Munaf are to be judged for terrorism. High Court prosecutors informed that investigations proved the two had plotted, organized and financed action to kidnap the three journalists Sorin Miscoci, Marie Jeanne Ion and Ovidiu Ohanesian, so that they could direct a rescue action afterwards. The Bucharest Court of Appeal is to handle the case and the two accused are under arrest. But only Hayssam is to be judged for now,...   (1 afisare)
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Stanoiu plays victim of Basescu's regime
Ex justice minister Rodica Stanoiu announced in Senate meeting that the following week she would appeal to "all international institutions" in the stenograms case. She claimed she and Florin Georgescu were pressed charges by breaking their constitutional rights. Stanoiu opined that behind this "media farce turning into juridical farce" there were "the great puppeteers of Romanian politics that set everything, having president Basescu and...   (2 afisari)
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Basescu wants more
Yesterday president Traian Basescu sent back to the Senate the Law against Emergency Ordinance 99/2005 on the modification of the law on referendum, says Presidential Administration. It proves the Romanian president is determined to appeal to referendum on Parliament reform, as he has many a time stated. But article 12 in the referendum law sets limits to the topics on which the president is allowed to demand referendum. (...) The next step the president may...   (1 afisare)
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