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  Nr. 3451 de miercuri, 12 octombrie 2005 
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Solidarity fatigue
Democracy tarnishes its heroes as surely as revolutions devour their children. For 25 years, the leaders of Solidarity personified the qualities needed to win Poland's struggle for democracy: unbending courage in the face of the communist Leviathan and magnanimity and clear-sighted determination during the transfer of power. All of these were great and noble qualities, and all of them now seem utterly superfluous to most Poles.
That is the sad lesson of Poland's...   (1 afisare)
Suggestion from EU
-- PM caught in between
It was EU officials who suggested that President Traian Basescu should change attitude towards the modification of the public administration law. Confidential sources claim that two weeks ago EU rapporteur for Romanian Pierre Moscovici warned Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu that the report on Romania due in October 25 might be negatively affected unless Bucharest officials reached solutions to handle various crises. Moscovici's suggestion came...   (2 afisari)
Today we learn if avian flu is in Romania
Romania is now waiting for lab analyses results to decide how bad is the virus that killed poultry in Ceamurlia de Jos. But the general fear has shown its positive aspect. All dead poultry from all over Romania is reaching veterinary doctors for analyses. This is the means to urgently detect possible avian flue cases. Labs can hardly manage piles of requests. Except for the case in Ceamurlia de Jos, all the other poultry died of other causes than...   (5 afisari)
Coalition and Basescu in disagreement
Coalition members met on Monday evening and decided not to quit plan to rapidly modify the public administration law so that to revoke district council presidents from PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) where possible. This decision is against what President Traian Basescu said in Saturday's reunion in Poiana Brasov: that such measure was inappropriate before the end of mandate. Interior Minister Vasile Blaga who attended the reunion shared the President's...   (2 afisari)
General Consulate of Romania opened in the Russian Federation
Yesterday Romanian minister of foreign affairs Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu opened the new General Consulate of Romania in Rostov. The Romanian official took this opportunity to express trust in the European destiny of the Russian Federation.
Minister Ungureanu described the new consulate as "a new way, maybe a shorter one, to Europe". Ungureanu opined that the opening of this new institution was a first step taken to restore significant...   (4 afisari)
Dignified resignation
Education and Research Minister Mircea Miclea resigned yesterday because he was dissatisfied with the too low budget provided to the field of education for 2006. Miclea mentioned that in all his activity he pleaded that the budget for education should get a minimum of 5% of the internal raw product. According to the resigning minister, for 2006 education was only provided with 4,8% of the internal raw product. He stated: "Although we have got a significantly increased...   (2 afisari)
Office to attract EU funds
Yesterday UNCJR (the National Union of Romanian District Councils) opened representation offices to attract European funds in Brussels. Young representatives of various Romanian districts are going to learn about financial mechanisms to attract funds for the development of the villages and cities they represent. UNCJR president Liviu Dragnea outlined: "In 2007-2013 Romania will have access to structural funds reaching 30 billion Euro. But we need trained people...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Hayssam still arrested
Syrian businessman Omar Hayssam is still under precautionary arrest for terrorism crimes. Two days ago High Court magistrates turned down his appeal against the decision reached by the Bucharest Court of Appeal and decided Hayssam would continue to be under precautionary arrest. Omar Hayssam is charged with creating and financing a terrorist group to kidnap the three Romanian journalists in Iraq. He is also under arrest in the Foresta Nehoiu case, for charges...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
The first private zoo in Romania
After the collapse of the Communist regime in 1989 Romanians have tried their hand in various business, hoping to gain as much money as possible in the shortest time possible. Some have tried smuggling, some have made companies. But the outcome is relative, since just a small number of Romanians have become rich. But a special private initiative belongs to investor Pal Somogyi who came from Hungary. He created a private zoo in the village of Bancu,...   (5 afisari)
A r h i v a
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 Miclea a lasat scoala pe butuci (775 afisari)
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 Azi aflam daca e gripa aviara (313 afisari)
 Frigiditate si ateism (305 afisari)
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