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  Nr. 3449 de luni, 10 octombrie 2005 
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Referendum failed
INSOMAR warns that Romanians' trust in politicians is going down. This is the conclusion reached after the latest opinion poll by INSOMAR, completed in September 28-October 4. It proves Romanians are not really interested in the political topics the Romanian president is most keen on: referendum on eventual one-chamber parliament, Coalition's priorities and the revocation of the Senate and Chamber of Deputy presidents.
In the analysis explaining the opinion poll, INSOMAR...   (3 afisari)
Disorganization is a vice that keeps us stuck
-- BNR Governor's adviser Adrian Vasilescu interviewed
Rep.: In a previous interview to ZIUA you said: "We, the Romanians, don't know ... that we don't know how to organize work. " Just like Marin Preda's famous character, am I asking you: what are your reasons to say this?
Adrian Vasilescu: My reasons consists in what I have noticed for 4 decades now. Ever since 1962, when I started my journalistic career, I have traveled throughout the country...   (1 afisare)
Ministers as students
Starting with today, you can read in ZIUA daily a thorough presentation of every minister in Tariceanu's Executive every two days. Vice prime minister George Copos is the first student to come to the blackboard. Just like a well off man of the modern times, Copos was and still is a demagogical politician. Magnate Copos, thought to be the richest minister in Romania, has actually got a useless portfolio that prevents the development of small and medium size enterprises....   (17 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Ungureanu pays visit to the Russian Federation
Romanian minister of foreign affairs Mihai Razvan Ungureanu is to pay a 2-day visit to the Russian Federation starting with tomorrow, says press release from the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In his meetings the Romanian official will focus on dialogue and action with view to implementing the points in the main political treaty between Romania and the Russian Federation. He will also take up high level agreements and try...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Basescu sacks Coalition plans
Romanian president Traian Basescu expressed opposition to the replacing of district council presidents during their mandates. Mediafax cites Basescu: "I am against the law on replacing district council presidents during mandate. This is toxic." He said this during Saturday's meeting with Romanian district council presidents and mayors in Poiana Brasov, when they talked about the modification of the law on local public administration. PM Calin Popescu...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Basescu to give explanations on Apa Nova contract
Social Democrat district councilors Octavian Petrovici and Vlad Dumitrescu are asking Romanian president Traian Basescu for explanations on the contract he signed with Apa Nova while he was the general mayor of Bucharest. They explained their claim as follows: "The suspect and persisting silence of ex general mayor Traian Basescu on the final version of the document he signed makes us demand public answers." (...)
The two city...   (5 afisari)
Olteanu: "The fusion of Conservatives and Liberals would be a positive change"
On Saturday while in Miercurea Ciuc minister Bogdan Olteanu opined that "a fusion of Conservatives and Liberals would be a positive change to improve the Coalition's activity and simplify the range of Romanian politics." Olteanu explained this conclusion was grounded on the Conservatives' liberalism-orientation and their affiliation to European Liberal structures. The Liberal minister also mentioned that there...   (1 afisare)
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 File de cronica (32 afisari)
 Mihai Malaimare: "Vom cuceri spatiile neconventionale ale Cartierului Militari" (28 afisari)
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