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  Nr. 3439 de miercuri, 28 septembrie 2005 
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How did Basescu drop the brick?
By renouncing early elections officially. At least till 2007, Romanian citizens won't have to go voting. This way the one-chamber parliament project failed, although Basescu promised to carry it out by appealing to people and disregarding parties. These are two great defeats that the state president went through. But it doesn't mean he has given up war. Still how come he drops the brick every now and then? What solutions can we find to improve presidential...   (2 afisari)
Fighting "small fish"
All Romanian presidents have boasted about the fight of corruption. After the failures of Emil Constantinescu and Ion Iliescu, it is now Traian Basescu's turn. As so far he hasn't had the opportunity to empale the highly corrupted, yesterday the Romanian president laid his eyes on small bribes and advised citizens to give up this "national sports" for a year. European institutions have been reproaching Romania for corruption on and on, just as corruption was Basescu's...   (1 afisare)
Borrell: EU Parliament consented to Romania's accession
"The European project is going through identity crisis", said European Parliament President Josep Borrell on Monday evening, in the opening of the plenary session of the European Parliament. He pleaded for direct approach to existing difficulties.
The EU official expressed hope that candidate states Romania and Bulgaria would join the EU community as set. He mentioned: "We all expect January 1st, 2007 to be the date for accession."...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Sentence on Miron Cozma is due today
Magistrates from the High Court of Justice are to announce sentence for the case on the events in Costesti in 1999. Miron Cozma and 5 of his allies are charged with undermining state power. In September 15 magistrates decided to postpone sentence till today, given the complexity of the case. At that time Miron Cozma, Vasile lupu, Ionel Ciontu, Constantin Cretan and Dorin Mihai Loij pleaded innocent in front of both judges and journalists. The...   (4 afisari)
   (1 afisare)
Autumn negotiations with IMF
In October 20 Romanian authorities and IMF (the International Monetary Funds) representatives are to restart talks on the agreement signed in 2004 in Bucharest, says press release from the Finance Ministry. The delegation is made up of Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu, BNR (the National Bank of Romania) Governor Mugur Isarescu and experts from the two institutions. Vladescu mentioned: "We agreed to restart talks on the contract with the IMF....   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Conservatives complain to CRP about ZIUA and Evenimentul Zilei
From double political play as visible in the their permanent oscillation between PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) and the Coalition and in the search for European affiliation, Dan Voiculescu's Conservatives suddenly jumped to far-fetched opinions on the editorial policies of some main dailies in Romania. Bogdan Pascu, Conservatives' leader in the Chamber of Deputies, expressed accusation against ZIUA and Evenimentul...   (1 afisare)
Oil price comes from Cotroceni Palace
Yesterday Romanian president Traian Basescu had a meeting with representatives of the man oil companies in Romania and asked them to sell products taking into account Romania's internal oil resources, hence at a low price for extraction. Basescu talked to the representatives of Petrom-OMV, Lukoil, Rompetrol and Rafo. They met to analyze the latest evolution of the oil market and oil prices, says Presidency press release.
The president...   (1 afisare)
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