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  Nr. 3438 de marti, 27 septembrie 2005 
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EIB gives 600 million Euro for infrastructure rebuilding
EIB (The European Investment Bank) is having talks with Romanian authorities on urgently implementing a 600 million Euro program for rebuilding infrastructure damaged by floods and for more works to prevent future floods. EIB vice president Wolfgang Roth paid a visit to Bucharest and said bank officials were to talk about the program soon. He also opined that the EIB leading board would agree to it. Roth mentioned: "We have been analyzing...   (1 afisare)
Romania requests Munaf should be expelled
Romania is going to request that Syrian citizen Mohammad Munaf should be expelled, as he is charged with involvement in the kidnapping of the three Romanian journalists. According to Antena 1 television station, the Bucharest Court of Appeal admitted the request of prosecutors investigating the case. The Justice Ministry is to send official request to US authorities to start procedures to expel Mohammad Munaf. Right now the Syrian is in the Abu Ghraib...   (3 afisari)
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Basescu: No early elections before 2007
Yesterday while attending economy conference along with Romanian and foreign investors Romanian President Traian Basescu said present officials couldn't take up early elections before January 1st, 2007. The President mentioned: "We missed the right time. I was an adept of this idea, but now I must move on." Traian Basescu explained that political instability would seize Romanian only when he said he no longer trusted PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu....   (1 afisare)
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Romanian observers reached European Parliament
The Romanian observers to the European Parliament got together yesterday at Romanian's Permanent Representative at the Council of Europe. Ambassador Lazar Comanescu in charge of the Romanian Mission to the European Union expressed appreciation for the presence of 35 Romanian senators and deputies who attended the plenary session of the European Parliament as observers. The Romanian official said the European Union was more than "a...   (1 afisare)
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Moscow sets economic sanctions against Voronin
-- Russia stopped wine import from Moldavia
The Russian Federation Customs Service stopped issuing documentary stamps for Moldavian exporters of alcohol. Analysts say this shows that Kremlin's war against reluctant Moldavian president Vladimir Voronin is now visible.
First rumors on delay with documentary stamps were spread last week. Igor Pantia, manager of Zurbeni wine company in Moldavia, said: "We haven't received documentary...   (2 afisari)
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Breaking human rights in Transdniestria
The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in the Republic of Moldavia had a press conference yesterday in Chisinau, presenting debates that took place during the OSCE reunion on human rights in Warsaw, where the Helsinki Committee had reported on human rights in the Republic of Moldavia and especially on the left bank of the Niester River. Helsinki Committee representative Dorin Chirtoaca took this opportunity to say that some were interested...   (2 afisari)      2 comentarii
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6 Romanians out of 10 bribe doctors
More than 60% of the Romanians who need medical advice or treatment proceeded to "informal payment" and most often it was their own idea. So last year the Romanian medical staff got about $ 360 million by such means. According to opinion poll demanded by the World Bank and searching the contents and structure of unofficial payment from patients to doctors, 53% of the people asked disagree to such practice and 60% think this is a form of corruption....   (1 afisare)
PNL humanism
Dan Voiculescu's party (the ex Romanian Humanist Party) is getting ready for one more radical change of doctrine. In May the party put some make up on, changing name and doctrine. This time the change seems to be a final one, since the tiny Conservative Party is about to go extinct and be engulfed in PNL (the National Liberal Party). The first step was taken in last week's European Liberals Congress in Bratislava. Romanian PM and president of PNL Calin Popescu Tariceanu brought...   (1 afisare)
Direct foreign investments reached 1,8 billion Euro in 7 months
In the first 7 months of 2005 foreign companies invested about 1,8 billion Euro in Romania, which is 21% more than in the first 7 months of the previous year (1,47 billion Euro). BNR (the National Bank of Romania) says in July 2005 the foreign capital on Romanian market reached more than 315 million Euro, which is almost 72% more than in July 2004. (...)
The greatest capital growth in July was achieved by mobile...   (21 afisari)
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