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  Nr. 3434 de joi, 22 septembrie 2005 
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Macovei versus CSM
Yesterday CSM (the Superior council of Magistrates) rejected Justice Minister's solicitation to suspend all procedures to name Supreme Court judges. CSM members made use of the fact that procedures had started before the new set of laws on Justice reform got in use. As 15 members voted against it, the minister's solicitation was rejected and they started questioning the 33 candidates for the 6 vacant positions in the High Court of Justice. But Justice Minister Monica Macovei...   (3 afisari)
Parliamentary parties get ready for meeting with Basescu
-- PNL and UDMR against one-chamber parliament
These days parties are getting ready for the meeting with President Traian Basescu due at the end of the week. On Tuesday the members of the Central Permanent Bureau of PNL (the National Liberal Party) talked about what they would plead for in the future meeting at Cotroceni Palace. At the end of Tuesday's meeting PNL president Calin Popescu Tariceanu wouldn't tell the press about their...   (2 afisari)
Patriciu: "Harassment goes on"
Businessman Dinu Patriciu opines that the press publishing material on the way he met Omar Hayssam is part of the political harassment Rompetrol Group has been under for one year and a half now. He stated it in yesterday's news conference. The Rompetrol president explained: "I don't believe in coincidences. All charges started like this, by press articles used as support for making up all sorts of accusations. And we have to prove we are innocent, with no presumption...   (2 afisari)
Liberal deputies' complaint against Nastase
Yesterday Liberal deputies in the Permanent Bureau and the Juridical Commission wrote complaint against Adrian Nastase, claiming the latter had broken the Constitution as president of the Chamber of Deputies and as chair of the meeting in September 15. This is what Liberal deputy Mona Musca told journalists. She claimed Nastase had broken regulation when he wouldn't summon extraordinary meeting, although conditions had been obeyed. Mediafax quotes...   (2 afisari)
Theft by ApaNova
The company in charge of Bucharest water has no problem with taking city inhabitants' money without offering a thing in exchange. The first days of torrential rain have proved the flaws of the contracts between city authorities and ApaNova's unbelievable treatment on those who pay for services. Every inhabitant of Bucharest pays the private company twice for the rain pouring from the sky: there is the fee on meteoric water and the money city halls send to the company's accounts....   (6 afisari)
PM wants "fiscal pact" with unions and confederations
Romanian prime minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu came up with offer for unions and confederations: the latter should support authorities' action meant to elaborate stable fiscal frame and finally effect in extra income to the budget. During yesterday's meeting at Snagov Palace, the PM presented to social partners the Executive's intentions with view to eliminating fiscal evasion. The Romanian official explained that authorities were...   (2 afisari)
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 Mircea Cartarescu, comentator politic (67 afisari)
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