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  Nr. 3425 de luni, 12 septembrie 2005 
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The hour of Hamas
Israel's unilateral withdrawal from all 21 Gaza settlements and four in the West Bank has created a new reality for Palestinians. How the Palestinians choose to respond to these changed circumstances may well determine whether or not they at last achieve an independent state. So this moment may prove to be the Palestinians' greatest opportunity. Or, in the words of Abba Eban, it may be yet another opportunity to miss an opportunity.
How the Palestinians respond depends...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Dinosaurs react to report on Romanian "media dinosaurs" by the Romanian Center for Investigation Journalism
Corneliu Vadim Tudor: "I'll sue them"
"I don't give a penny on these guys and on the institution they work for. I have never heard of it anyway. Like I've said in news conference, I'll sue them for using a word such as dinosaur. What are the criteria for this classification? I have got nothing against anybody, but how come George Arian and Adrian Paunescu are not in the...   (1 afisare)
INSOMAR draws autumn picture of Romanian politics: Alliance has got 20% more than PSD
If parliamentary elections were held next Sunday, PNL (the National Liberal Party)-PD (the Democrat Party) Alliance would get 49,1% of votes, whereas PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) would reach only 28,8%. The information has been taken from an opinion poll INSOMAR drew in August 30 - September 5 released yesterday. PRM ("Great Romania" Party) comes third (10,8%), followed by UDMR (the Democrat Union of...   (4 afisari)
Romania is dissatisfied with structure of negotiations on Transdniestria
After his meeting with Foreign Affairs Minister in the Republic of Moldavia Andrei Stratan, Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu stated: "The present participants to negotiations - OSCE, the Russian Federation, Ukraine - don't seem satisfactory to me because of means and opportunities to solve the Transdniestria issue." The Romanian official said while in Iasi: "Romania is for tactful action and...   (2 afisari)      1 comentariu
Cozma wants trial "in the heart of Bucharest"
Prosecutors from the High Court of Justice are to analyze today the appeal against the 10 years in prison sentence on Miron Cozma, former leader of the coal miners in Valea Jiului. Miron Cozma is charged with undermining state power. In case magistrates turn down the appeal, Cozma goes back to prison.
At the end of last week the coal miners' former leader said upon his return from Paris that he wanted public trial right in the University Square,...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Who wants the estrangement of Aromanians?
Once with the collapse of dictatorships in the Balkans, the identity of national minorities has reached the political and diplomatic agenda again. Spread all over this region, Aromanians (a community speaking a South-Danubian variant of the Romanian language) have been under a long and rough process of denationalization and they are now claiming the rights they need in order to affirm identity values. There is a European recommendation...   (3 afisari)
   (2 afisari)
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 Batalia pentru Basarabia: de la sabie la manual (49 afisari)
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