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  Nr. 3419 de luni, 5 septembrie 2005 
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From Shock Therapy to Sleep Therapy
If the 1990's was the era of economic shock therapy, the present decade may be remembered for economic reform paralysis. Although the reasons for gridlock differ across countries, the bottom line is that few politicians anywhere are having much success in limbering up their economies.
The problem is not just in emerging markets such as Indonesia, Mexico, and Brazil, where an ascendant left has failed to find a viable alternative to the much reviled...   (3 afisari)
Northern League wouldn't have Romania and Bulgaria become EU members
The foreign affairs ministers from EU states attending the Newport reunion at the end of last week approached " in very positive terms" the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the European Union. This is what Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu stated at the end of the meeting, says Rompres. Ungureanu mentioned: "I think I am not wrong to say that at informal level the attitude has been extremely...   (3 afisari)
Fight against terrorist groups is still the great challenge
-- ZIUA interviews Israeli Ambassador to Romania Rodica Gordon Radian
The successful withdrawal of Jewish colonies from Gaza and Cisjordania have brought the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the public eye again. ZIUA has been the only Romanian daily to report in detail on this major event. ZIUA has published a series of reports on the withdrawal, elaborated by the much-experienced ZIUA special reporter Tesu Solomovici. ZIUA journalists...   (3 afisari)
PSD considers extreme solutions
The Coalition decided to revoke Nastase and Vacaroiu by September 15, which has made PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) members anxious. (...) The latter say they will make use of extreme solutions so that the two Parliament Chambers' presidents would not be sacked. The extreme solutions they have mentioned are withdrawal from the Parliament and/ or from local administration. PSD leader Mircea Geoana said that the need to use such measures was rather unlikely,...   (3 afisari)
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