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  Nr. 3417 de vineri, 2 septembrie 2005 
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Islam as a Tool of Modernization
A big worry in Iraq and the wider Middle East is that Islam and modernization are enemies. But Malaysian history over the past three decades shows that this belief is mistaken. In fact, Islamization has proved to be an effective political means of reconciling the majority of Malays to the country's rapid economic development.
In the early 1970's, when it was still an overwhelmingly agrarian country and Islamization was just gaining momentum, Malaysia...   (1 afisare)
Russian troops stay in Transdniestria "for political reasons"
"Rusia la zi" agency quotes Russian diplomat Valeri Nesterushkin saying the withdrawal of Russian troops from Transdniestria was postponed "for political reasons". The Russian ambassador said: "Reasons for delay are rather related to the real state of things in the region than to Russia's attitude". Kremlin's special envoy explained all documents elaborated by European institutions in order to find solution forgot one point: Russia...   (2 afisari)
16% as only solution
Mediafax quotes sources from PNL (the National Liberal Party)-PD (the Democrat Party) Alliance saying the Executive might cut down on social contributions with some 2%-5% and set one single 16% rate for all taxes. Sources claim that decision is to follow in ten days' time. PM Calin Popecu Tariceanu came up with the idea of 6% as single rate this spring. Sources also say it is "almost certain" that there will be no rise of the value added tax, because it would not...   (1 afisare)
War on Chambers' presidents gets rougher
Yesterday the members in the commission in charge of modifying Parliament regulation decided that Senate president Nicolae Vacaroiu might be revoked if a minimum of half plus one senators demanded it and if the structure of the political majority got changed. Conservative senator Gavrila Vasilescu came up with this idea on means to revoke the Senate president. Coalition members in the commission voted for it and decision was reached. Senators from...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Romania as target of missiles
Romania will become target of Russian missiles in Belarus. The Russian Federation has announced plan to modernize defense system of the Independent State Community. Russian Defense Minister Serghei Ivanov said they would provide the best system of S 300 missiles to some countries in the Independent State Community, "depending on Russia's strategic interests". Belarus, the last dictatorship in Europe, gets several S 300 systems to counterattack "threats...   (1 afisare)
Sapard develops
Romania is waiting for accreditation to four new measures in the Sapard program to come from the European Commission in late September. Danut Apetrei, state secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, announced it yesterday. He said 220 million Euro had been set for the new measures. Apetrei explained: "We hope the new programs will be accredited by the end of this month, but everything depends on the outcome of the European Commission audit...   (1 afisare)
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