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  Nr. 3415 de miercuri, 31 august 2005 
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Romania's priorities 0
Romanian President Traian Basescu listed yesterday the main objectives of Romania's foreign affairs strategy, some of then to be accomplished along with Romania's reliable allies. He listed these priorities in front of all Romanian ambassadors and general consuls gathered in Cotroceni Palace.
Here is Basescu's description of foreign affairs priorities: "As I am the first responsible for the foreign affairs, I am demanding a very active foreign affairs policy. Romania...   (84 afisari)
EU watch focuses on Sophia
Romania and Bulgaria have wasted much time as far as the implementation of reforms is concerned and the Parliament of Europe is still critical about it. The statement belongs to Dutch Socialist MEP Jan Marinus Wiersma, quoted by Euexpands.com, says Mediafax. The Dutch official opines Romania has wasted time because of domestic disputes between the political groups at rule and the opposition and Bulgaria somehow stopped reforms during the 2-month negotiations on...   (1 afisare)
Groups of interests, groups of counter-interests and mob-like groups of political interests
Justice minister Monica Macovei has recently taken up one more time the existence of groups of interests putting pressure on Justice with help from the press. Of course this manner of putting it is pejorative, because Monica Macovei knows that in any democratic society the existence of groups of interests is both necessary and legitimate, as long as the law is obeyed and there is no traffic of...   (3 afisari)
From Solidarity to Freedom
Although the rise 25 years ago of Solidarity, the first independent civic movement in the former Soviet empire, had huge political consequences, Solidarity was, primarily, neither a political movement nor a labor union.
First and foremost, Solidarity was a cry of dignity. We simply had reached the end of our endurance with the omnipresent and all-powerful communist apparatchiks who ruled in our workplaces, neighborhoods, even places of rest. Writers, journalists,...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Mazare counterattacks
Radu Mazare, mayor of Constanta and member of PSD (the Social-Democrat Party), said during TV show that PNA (the National Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office) was trying to make up a record against him. He claimed the initiative obeyed political command from present rulers. Prosecutor Ionita searched even the mayor's enemies for evidence against him. Mazare said the Police complaint against him was grounded on articles published in "Evenimentul Zilei" daily....   (3 afisari)
IMAS opinion poll: 50% for PNL-PD Alliance, 30% for PSD
IMAS (the Institute of Marketing and Opinion Poll) elaborated opinion in August 5-12, 2005. One of the conclusions reached is that PNL (the National Liberal Party)-PD (the Democrat Party) Alliance would get 50% and PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) would reach 30,2% if elections were held next Sunday. Sociological research shows that as compared to the scores in January 2005, now the electorate is no longer that keen on PNL-PD Alliance,...   (3 afisari)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Radu Anton Roman: "Ma simt in mod violent tanar uneori" (161 afisari)
 Romania's priorities 0 (84 afisari)
 Fonduri Sapard pentru agroturism (71 afisari)
 O marturisire de credinta ad-hoc (42 afisari)
 "Petreceam cu bauturi, femei si cu droguri" (30 afisari)
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