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  Nr. 3378 de marti, 19 iulie 2005 
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The Questions of Europe
In the weeks since France and the Netherlands rejected the European Union's proposed Constitutional Treaty, the EU's leaders have been busy pointing fingers at each other or blaming French and Dutch citizens for misunderstanding the question they were asked. But no pan-European statesman has emerged, and no major European institution has even had the courage to provide its own analysis of the current situation, much less propose a strategic scenario for the future.
To...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Report of an announced resignation
All the declarations the politicians in power gave the last days indicated that today would be the day when the Prime Minister Calin Popescu-Tariceanu would resign and after him, implicitly, all the members of the Executive. Although, for the time being nothing is nailed up. The Premier has not written yet his resignation as he does not know exactly what to do. Yesterday afternoon, Tariceanu took for the last time as a prime-minister, the road...   (1 afisare)
Anticipated election, necessary for re-balancing the politic arena after 2004
-- Vladimir Tismaneanu interviewed by Brindusa Armanca - excerpts -
Basescu perseveringly follows his political projects What do you think about all this uproar on the anticipated elections, how would you analyze them as political scientist?
The uproar is not unreasoned, as it comes out from the need to re-balance the political arena after the 2004 election. President Basescu proved he was perseveringly following...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Threat of dictatorship
The declaring of the state of emergency was a possibility that President Traian Basescu rejected categorically because of the losses at the political level and in terms of image that they might have triggered for Romania. One of the most serious reasons for which the chief of State did not declare the state of emergency, as sources inside the Liberal-Democrat Alliance state, was that Romania would have received the stigma of a dictatorship since the state...   (3 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mihai Razvan Ungureanu: Resignation, "a matter of hours"
Minister Ungureanu stated, in a meeting with media representatives, that the Romanian Prime Minister was decided to resign and that this would happen, in his opinion, during hours. Asked whether, under these circumstances, the objective of Romania's 2007 accession to the EU would still be a realistic one, the chief of Romanian diplomacy showed optimism. "Absolutely, the objective is a realistic...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romania, from one rainfall to another
The members of the National Committee for Emergency Situations met again yesterday to evaluate the damages generated by the floods. The meeting was run, for the third time consexcutively, by both President Traian Basescu and the Prime Minister Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, according to Rompres News Agency.
70 million Euro, redirected
The minister of Administration and Home Affairs, Vasile Blaga, announced yesterday in a press conference...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Evaluation reached to 21 dead people
Another person was found dead because of the floods in Maicanesti, Vrancea County, thus the total number of the victims of the swells of waters reaching 21 people. According to the latest data centralized yesterday, the number of dead persons following the floods increased to 21, most of the deaths - 14 - being recorded in Vrancea County. Besides, there are 94 000 ha of agricultural lands under waters, 696 destroyed houses and almost 2 000...   (1 afisare)
UNPD gave 130 000 USD for the victims of the floods
The Delegate Minister for the co-ordination of the General Secretariat of the Government (Rom. SGG), Mihai Voicu, informed yesterday in a press conference, that the United Nations Program for Development (UNPD) donated to the Romanian Government the sum of 130 000 USD, according to Rompres News Agency. The money was used for purchasing 14 pneumatic motor boats, equipped with all accessories necessary for intervening in the counties hit by the floods....   (1 afisare)
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