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  Nr. 3377 de luni, 18 iulie 2005 
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Back to the politics of cultural despair
Some years ago the historian Fritz Stern wrote a book about Germany entitled The Politics of Cultural Despair. He used the example of three (now forgotten) bestselling authors of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to show the deep aversion of many Germans to the modern world, notably to market economics and democratic politics. For Stern, this was part of the cultural soil in which National Socialism flourished.
Much has changed...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Rejection of anticipated election
The majority of Romanians declare themselves against the anticipated electiond election, according to a public opinion poll made by the Group of Social Studies 2000 (GSS). The poll was carried out during 7-12 July, upon the request of Multimedia Political Communication. The sociologic survey was made on a sample of 1,081 persons, and the error margin was of 3%. GSS, in fact the ex Institute of Social Studies, made this study at national level...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Floods of the Power
After the waters drowned the lanes and the houses of the people, a high- official fall began in Moldavia. President of Romania, Traian Basescu, after having refused to declare the state of emergency as it would likely muddled up the project of the anticipated election, pays daily visits to the people in distress trying to convince them the disaster is not so bigas they see it.
Sapard, good for the floods
Gheorghe Flutur, minister of Agriculture, stated...   (2 afisari)
Competition Council warned by EU
-- The German Ambassador in Romania and the chief of the European Commission in Bucharest ask for a pro-active approach in the field of competition and of the State grants in order to avoid the activation of the watch over clause
The German Ambassador in Romania, Wilfried Gruber, and the chief of the Delegation of the European Commission in Bucharest, Jonathan Scheele, ask the Council of Competition for a pro-active approach in the field of competition...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Tariceanu in Brussels
Prime Minister Calin Popescu-Tariceanu presents, today, in Brussels, the measures the Romanian authorities have taken up to know to meet its obligations from the accession calendar. He emphasized on what has been done to recoup the lagging notified in the warning letter sent to the Romanian Government by the European Commission in May. Tariceanu will send the resolute message that, no matter the evolution of the domestic political situation, the authorities...   (2 afisari)
UDMR, by the side of its allies
UDMR (the Hungarians' Democratic Union in Romania) wants to participate in the anticipated election by the side of its coalition partners, although the Consultative Council of the heads of organizations of the Union unanimously appreciated their organization as ill-timed, according to a Mediafax News Agency release. The UDMR Chairman, Marko Bela, expressed his worries to the allies, appreciating that "it would be good" to have the Minorities...   (1 afisare)
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