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  Nr. 3374 de joi, 14 iulie 2005 
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President, early elections and referendum
The assumption that this daily is pro-presidency is as false as its opposite. The same goes for me. We simply can't afford to waste our credibility by acting like the president's friends or enemies. And the same is true the other way around. A president can't afford to have friends or enemies, except for cases when some or the others are Romania's enemies or friends. I am saying these in order to reply to some acquaintances'...   (1 afisare)
A sailor's knot
-- Tariceanu's decision is the same
The statement Traian Basescu made on Tuesday evening has made the early elections issue even more ambiguous * There are also the Parliament's voting, as MPs have found no solution to end crisis, and the PM's reconfirmed resignation * PNL (the National Liberal Party) and PD (the Democrat Party) are in confusion, although they say they know what steps they will take * PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) and contextual allies PC (the Conservative...   (2 afisari)
Parliament voted for Justice reform as elaborated by PSD
Yesterday morning MPs had common session to vote for or against the juridical commissions' report on articles included in the laws on Justice reform, but declared to be unconstitutional. As predictable, given the meeting in Cotroceni held two days before, the commissions' first report was rather useless, as Basescu helped parties conclude that compromise was needed. But they failed to reach such compromise even after the second report...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Politicians react to PM' latest statement
Traian Basescu, President of Romania: The Prime Minister's attitude is justified
President Traian Basescu opines that the attitude of PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu is justified, given the political duty to make state institutions work and the status of Justice as fundamental power. The President notices that the Parliament of Romania has found no means to promote those articles in the law the government took responsibility for, articles...   (1 afisare)
Solution: Early elections and referendum
The resignation of Tariceanu's Cabinet and early elections to come are not the solution to the "mutilated" Justice reform effecting from the controversial decision of the Constitutional Court on the set of laws the government took responsibility for. Politicians and political analysts have expressed doubts on this decision, as seven of the nine members in the Constitutional Court were connected to Iliescu's party after December 1989 and some of these...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Voronin insists for Transdnistria's independence
Soviet General Vladimir Voronin, head of the regime in Chisinau, sent to the Permanent Bureau of Chisinau Parliament a new plan "to make Transdnistria's juridical status clear." But the project obeys all principles included in the Kozak plan Russia initiated. Voronin rejected the latter plan only because of US pressure. Voronin's haste is rather fishy, as he has asked that the Parliament should vote on it today. The "new " plan...   (2 afisari)
Recent heavy rains have damaged Romania. 31 Romanian districts have been severely harmed by floods. Meteorologists have announced that the rains in the first 6 months of 2005 have been heavier than in any other 12 months of the last 50 years. River debits have gone higher than ever. The Siret debit is expected to become higher that the one reached in the Romanian floods in 1970. State of alert has been declared in three districts: Bacau, Vrancea, and Galati. Officials had...   (1 afisare)
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