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  Nr. 3350 de joi, 16 iunie 2005 
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Current scenarios
The last chance for early elections is about to be missed
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
I have recently written an editorial titled "D.A. Alliance is spinning around its axis". I have been showing that the display of forces inside D.A. ("Truth and Justice") Alliance is slowly, but certainly changing. PNL (the National Liberal Party) was at advantage after elections, as it...   (3 afisari)
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Criteria for observers in the Parliament of Europe
The Permanent Bureaus in the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies are to have common meeting on Monday to debate and consent to the list of 35 MPs who will become observers in the Parliament of European in September. Senate Vice president Teodor Melescanu announced it yesterday. The list includes 6 representatives of PNL (the National Liberal Party), 5 members of PD the Democrat Party), 12 MPs from PSD (the Social Democrat Party), 5 representatives...   (3 afisari)
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A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Virgil Magureanu: Istoria de plus a lui 13-15 iunie (591 afisari)
 Martirii Mineriadei din 13-15 iunie 1990 (454 afisari)
 Ultima sansa pentru anticipate este pe cale sa fie ratata (283 afisari)
 Securistul Plesita, la psihiatru (149 afisari)
 Cota unica - 600 de milioane de euro in plus pentru romani (143 afisari)
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