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  Nr. 3336 de marti, 31 mai 2005 
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Current scenarios
Popular bastard gets its victims even before is born
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
Beyond the extremely complex implications of the political scandal generated by the abusive restraint of Dinu Patriciu, beyond the reactions of the civil society and Botos' rough counter-reaction, one may identify reverberations of a back-stage fight aiming at the replacement of the major political...   (2 afisari)
   (3 afisari)
AmCham: Rompetrol Investigation "appears to be a violation of legal standards"
The American Chamber of Commerce in Romania (AmCham) states, in a press release, its concern regarding the violation of the legal standards in the investigation of the Romanian businessman Dinu Patriciu. "The AmCham board of directors is concerned of what appears to be a violation of the procedure standards and of the non-observance of the legal regulations, revealed during the investigations and the charging...   (2 afisari)
Basescu: Vote delays the EU institutional evolution
"The vote was predictable, although President Jacques Chirac made an extraordinary effort to get it positive. The result is creating a political problem at the EU level and is delaying the institutional evolution of the EU, especially if the Netherlands also gives a negative vote. We can draw a conclusion out of this negative result of the vote: without the involvement and the awareness raising of its people of the individual and global...   (1 afisare)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 La Famiglia STS (541 afisari)
 CLARA MARGINEANU (201 afisari)
 Turnir poeticesc si dezvaluiri de pagina intai (109 afisari)
 Referendumul din Franta, un esec necesar? (62 afisari)
 Slabiciunea UE pune Romania in pericol (II) (60 afisari)
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