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  Nr. 3333 de vineri, 27 mai 2005 
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Current scenarios
The Coalition is spinning around its own axis
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
I have just had a long talk with PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu. He has phoned me to say he did not lie, such as ZIUA wrote on Wednesday. He did not lie when invoking the European Union as argument against early elections. I have got one copy of the stenogram of the PM's interview to Stelian Tanase and...   (2 afisari)
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Romania will not support Ukraine's plan on Transdnistria
Basescu: "Romania will become a whole again in the European Union"
President Basescu's grand project "to restore national dignity and pride" by "coagulating the nation's energies on goals essential for the Romanian people" includes the reinforcement of the relations between Romanians on both banks of the Prut River. President Basescu stated on a meeting with students set by Pro Democracy Association that the present Republic of Moldavia...   (2 afisari)
EU scolds Germany because of Romania
-- The European Commission has reminded Germany that it will break a "clear assignment" taken by Berlin in case it prevents Romania's EU accession
The European Commission has warned Germany not to break the "clear assignment" it took, with view to supporting the accession to the European Union of Romania and Bulgaria, says US publication Bloomberg. The European Commission's attitude is a reaction to the statements made by the German Christian-Democrat opposition,...   (2 afisari)
German elections don't influence Romania's accession
-- "The only thing that can prevent Romania's accession to the EU in January 1 2007 is Romania's failure in meeting the requirements it has taken responsibility for", explains Basescu
President Basescu stated on Wednesday evening the change effected after the German elections would in no way influence Romania's accession to the European Union in January 1 2007, says Rompres. During the meeting with students set by Pro Democracy association,...   (2 afisari)
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EPP representatives comes to Bucharest
The meeting agenda focuses on the state of Romanian politics, as not parliamentary party from Romania is EPP member @ Sources claim that EPP is interested in fusion between PPCD (the Popular Christian-Democrat Party) and PD (the Democrat Party).
EPP (the European Popular Party) representatives are to visit Bucharest next Thursday and Friday. The delegation it to be led by EPP leader Hans-Gert Poettering, as well as EPP president Wilfried Martens. The...   (1 afisare)
Basescu: "I want proof that early elections aren't necessary"
Two days ago Romanian President Traian Basescu stated that autumn the latest would be "the best time" to have early elections. But he added that there was a long way to go from his opinion to such fact. The Romanian President opined that "the ruling party's stability" was highly important for what Romania was to accomplish by January 1st 2007 and after joining the EU. Basescu also said that a president could not impose early...   (1 afisare)
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