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  Nr. 3332 de joi, 26 mai 2005 
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Current scenarios
Mysterious Mr. Talpes
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
The hostage crisis has barely ended. It has first effected in crisis inside PSD (the Social-Democrat Party). Newspapers reported on it yesterday. And the entire story focuses on mysterious character Ioan Talpes. He has recently resigned from PSD, but he has not been strong enough to give up his immunity and leave the Parliament...   (2 afisari)
Talpes surrendered in Cotroceni
Senator Ioan Talpes had a meeting with Romanian President Traian Basescu on Monday. It was the very day when kidnapped journalists freed returned to the country, the day when Geoana expressed intention to alert the Moral Integrity Council of PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) to see Omar Hayssam's acquaintances in this party. It was also the day when Talpes, former head of SIE (the Foreign Intelligence Service) resigned from PSD. All these events, in complementary...   (2 afisari)
USA asks Russia to denounce Hitler-Stalin Pact
In the Eurasia Daily Monitor of the Jamestown Foundation, well-known analyst Vladimir Socor explains that Kremlin's Neo-Soviet line on the circumstances and consequences of World War II might have accelerated some resolutions waiting in both the US Senate and the European Parliament and denouncing occupation on the Baltic States and on other crimes unacknowledged by Russia. Here is the commentary written by the Western analyst. We remind you...   (2 afisari)
The Black Sea dispute
A reliable international institute published on May 20 a thorough survey titled "Bulgaria, Romania and the Evolution of the Black Sea Geopolitical Structure". It deals with the importance of control on such a region, in both strategic military and economical terms. As far as history is concerned, the main security problem of states in Central. Eastern and South Eastern Europe was not to fall prey to the German or Russian hegemony. At present Russia seems to be going...   (4 afisari)
Responsibility taking is passport for early elections
Yesterday before the Coalition leader reunion PD (the Democrat Party) leader Emil Boc stated that Tariceanu's Executive was certain to take responsibility for the sets of laws on property and Justice reform in June. Boc said: "Taking responsibility for law projects on property and Justice will be e crucial test for the present Coalition: it will be either passport for early elections or contribution to the definitive consolidation of...   (1 afisare)
Ukraine goes on with Bastroe project
Espoo Convention analysis vainly waits for Kiev to pay fee
Romanian Environment Sulfina Barbu stated yesterday in news conference that Ukraine was taking efforts to pay fee to the commission drawn on the Espoo Convention. The latter is to study the impact of Bastroe canal to be built. Romania and Ukraine were supposed to pay 64,500 Euro so that the commission could work. Romania paid the fee, but the Ukrainian Environment Minister stated during the Kiev...   (2 afisari)
Boc takes the Popular path
Emil Boc announced intention to run as candidate for president of PD (the Democrat Party), but on a Popular -oriented program. He decided that his program should start from the older program "Powerful Romania, Social-Democrat Romania". Basescu got to rule PD in 2001 due to this program. Boc will take over 80% of the ideas and principles expressed there. But he will also new elements. The interim president of PD opined: "Many of Basescu's theses originate in the...   (1 afisare)
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 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Filiera BT vrea Politia de Frontiera (522 afisari)
 Dreptul la pacat, o obligatie contemporana? (115 afisari)
 Talpes in razboi cu Vulpea (85 afisari)
 SUA cer Rusiei sa repudieze Pactul Hitler-Stalin (51 afisari)
 Testul GayFest 2005 Bucuresti (45 afisari)
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