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  Nr. 3222 de luni, 17 ianuarie 2005 
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Current scenarios
Utopia, silly thing or dangerous project?
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
Vice prime- minister Adriean Videanu has come up with hot news that has fully - effected in the latest days. The PD (the Democrat Party) leading member has got the second position in the Executive. He has predicted a system that makes it compulsory for every Romanian citizen to state his/ her personal...   (1 afisare)
Project Syndicate
Legitimacy and elections
So Ukraine now has a legitimate government. Or does it? Viktor Yushchenko has been elected with 52% of the popular vote. His opponent received 44%. Observers confirm that infringements of the electoral rules were but minor. Yet questions remain. The defeated candidate, Viktor Yanukovich, contests the result. The country is deeply divided. Will the miners of Donetsk start the next revolution, this time in red against the orange of the...   (2 afisari)
Iliescu explains decision on Cozma case
Ex - president Ion Iliescu issued press release on Saturday afternoon. He explained that the decision of the present Presidential Administration and of the General Secretary Department of the Executive on annulling decree 1 164 in December 2004 referring to releasing from prison some people, Miron Cozma some of them, lacked "real juridical motivation" and was "an attempt to political harassment" against himself. Iliescu opined that the common initiative...   (1 afisare)
All for Tariceanu
Liberals get ready for Congress
PNL (the National Liberal Party) president Calin Popescu Tariceanu stands all chances to take over the official president position during the Liberals' Congress due in February 2-4. Representatives of PNL local organizations have already expressed support for the present PM to take over PNL. PNL local organizations had meetings to debate on suggestions to modify party status. Tariceanu had issued suggestions. But they were not necessary,...   (1 afisare)
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PSD tells it to the EU
PSD (the Social - Liberal Party) believes the initiatives of president Traian Basescu and of the present rulers are deeply non-democratic, anti - Constitutional and against European political conduct. PSD thinks present rulers are only " mere servants" carrying out the orders issued by the head of the state. Such information is released by communique. The party led by Adrian Nastase claims: " Political intolerance, disdain at the Opposition under a democrat regime...   (4 afisari)
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Magyars think investigation on "Trianon" is offence
CNS (the national Council of the Secui- ethnic minority in Transylvania) thinks that research on the scandal caused by the "Trianon" documentary, asked by Minister of Culture Mona Musca, is offence against the Magyar identity. CNS president Csapo Jozsef claims that the initiatives of the Police and the Minister of Culture have got political connotations and touch upon the freedom of the Magyar community, who is this way insulted....   (2 afisari)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Gheorghe Radulescu si reforma in invatamant (95 afisari)
 Nasul, din nou la B1 TV (83 afisari)
 Carte despre Iosif Hertea (59 afisari)
 Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie "Gr.T. Popa" - o poarta deschisa catre viitor (39 afisari)
 Donatie record la teledonul Realitatea TV (36 afisari)
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