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  Nr. 3212 de miercuri, 5 ianuarie 2005 
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Current scenarios
Poor and honest. But baron of Scrovistea
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
What is going on is really shameless and as hooligan - like as it can be. Iliescu asked for Scrovistea officially. No more and no less. He did not ask to buy it. He asked it for free. This property belonged to the king once. Therefore it belonged to the state. It means 2,000 hectares of land, hunting...   (2 afisari)
Project Syndicate
Putin's imperial dreams
To divide a people in order to conquer them is an immoral strategy that has endured throughout recorded history. From Alexander the Great to Stalin the Cruel, variants of that strategy have been used to keep nations in thrall to the will of an emperor.
We are now seeing this strategy at work again as President Vladimir Putin stealthily seeks to restore Kremlin supremacy over the lands treated as "lost" when the USSR imploded in 1991....   (1 afisare)
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European Socialists deny Iliescu
The European Socialists are not pleased with Iliescu's eventual strike back to rule PSD (the Social Democrat Party). Iliescu is perceived as an old-fashioned character who can be subject to reproaches. There is PSD talk about a letter sent by the European Socialists and the Socialist International, whose leader is Antonio Guterres. The letter reminds of the scandal Iliescu caused by setting Miron Cozma free. The ex president's decision has practically turned...   (1 afisare)
Minister of Justice deals with "high corruption"
Yesterday new Minister of Justice Monica Luisa Macovei had her first press conference. She highlighted she was an independent minister and that her future ministry team would be made up of politically independent people. Former prosecutor, a lawyer and President of APADOR - CH, Monica Macovei announced her intention to have good collaboration with the press and with civil society.
"High corruption" is the target the new minister mentioned...   (1 afisare)
"The poor and honest" wants to spend his time in Scrovistea
Ion Iliescu keeps on defying the law, even if he is no longer head of the state. He wants RA - PPS to provide him with a quiet, private place where he can spend the rest of his life. Such desire would be not at all unusual, if the former president were not after the Scrovistea property. Iliescu "the poor and the honest" would this way rest in a castle and ponder on "globalization challenges and reform of PSD (the Social - Democrat...   (2 afisari)
Merciless IMF
-- @ IMF (the International Monetary Fund) asks the Executive for "determined" action against companies having large debts to the state @ RAFO Onesti is the first company in question @ IMF representative to Bucharest accuses Nastase's government of "slippings": pay raise just before elections and unrealistic budget policies
Yesterday Graeme Justice, IMF representative to Bucharest, stated that IMF wanted determined action against companies having large debts to the state....   (3 afisari)
Queuing resignations at "Evenimentul Zilei"
Yesterday more than 30 heads of departments, analysts and editors from "Evenimentul Zilei" decided to hand in their resignation to the Ringier group. They made this decision as protest against the change of the editorial policy and against the dismissal of editor-in-chief Dan Turturica. The information is included in a communique on FreeEx. Here are some of the people resigning: Gelu Trandafir, Sabina Fati, Andreea Pora, Oana Stanciulescu,...   (1 afisare)
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 Razbunarea Mafiei (53 afisari)
 "Ochii Beatricei. Cum arata cu adevarat lumea lui Dante?" (49 afisari)
 Toma Neclintitul (45 afisari)
 Sarac de cinstit. Dar baron de Scrovistea (21 afisari)
 Stiri pe scurt (18 afisari)
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