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  Nr. 3211 de marti, 4 ianuarie 2005 
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Current scenarios
What does Iliescu lack? One more Nastase
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
The battle to get the ruling position on PSD (the Social - Democrat Party) has begun. Iliescu attacked Nastase so violently and so fast that the present party president was amazed. He only got to say that he would resign, if necessary. The more interesting aspect of this confrontation is that Iliescu appealed...   (2 afisari)
A lesson against corruption
Ever since the election campaign, the new President of Romanian Traian Basescu has taken up the fight against corruption, as the latter is thought to be the main cause leading to the instability of state institutions and of the whole nation. This decision and the possibility to start the process of tidying up an almost mob - like state have attracted support from the world's main democratic forces. In his first speech after the presidential election victory, Traian...   (2 afisari)
PSD leaders under Prosecutor's Office investigation
-- Adrian Nastase, Florin Georgescu, Rodica Stanoiu, Octav Cozmanca and Serban Mihailescu are investigated for "corruption crimes" as consequence of criminal complaint by NGOs @ Complaint is based on the famous stenograms of PSD (the Social - Democrat Party) meetings published by ZIUA Publishing House
At the end of last year APADOR - CH (the Association for Human Rights Defense in Romania - the Helsinki Committee), the Press Monitoring Agency,...   (1 afisare)
Minister Flutur completes ordinance to give property to the Archbishopric of Suceava and Radauti
The emergency ordinance adopted by the Executive has it that the Archbishopric of Suceava and Radauti is given property right on 90,000 hectares of woods. New Minister of Agriculture Gheorghe Flutur stated the emergency ordinance was going to be completed. It was to provide resources so that the owner would be able to properly administer the forests. Mediafax quoted Flutur: " The process of conferring...   (1 afisare)
Small heroes from Tighina visited Bucharest
50 Romanian children from Transdnistria and their teachers are visiting our country during their winter holidays. Yesterday they visited Bucharest and had a meeting with Mihai Razvan Ungureanu, Minister of Foreign Affairs. The chief of Romanian diplomats talked to the children for a few minutes. he asked them whether they liked Romania or not, if they were feeling good and if they intended to be back. He added the visit was above political significance....   (1 afisare)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Dihonia prefectilor (49 afisari)
 Femeile inteligente se marita mai greu (28 afisari)
 Stiri pe scurt (28 afisari)
 "Mi-am jurat ca daca intru la Arhitectura, eu daram scoala" (22 afisari)
 Baronul liberal de Vaslui vrea sa mituiasca presa (17 afisari)
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