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  Nr. 3209 de joi, 30 decembrie 2004 
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Current scenarios
Time for PSD to change
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
As proved, a party cannot go through reform while ruling, not to mention a party - state, dominated by the rule of unanimity and by totalitarian features. PSD (the Social - Democrat Party) is such a party. In 15 years' time, this party has had several names - FSN (the Front for National Survival), FDSN (the Democrat Front...   (1 afisare)
Ministers had the oaths at Cotroceni Palace
-- Basescu warned the 25 new government members: "From this day on, we are no longer together. From this day on we have got different missions"
Yesterday morning prime - minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu and 25 new ministers had their oaths in front of President Traian Basescu. The ceremony took place at Cotroceni Palace. It was attended by Senate President Nicolae Vacaroiu and Adrian Nastase, President of the Chamber of Deputies. At the end of the...   (2 afisari)
"What you have accomplished this year means great progress"
New Year Speech of His Majesty King Mihai
Yesterday His Majesty king Mihai I delivered his New Year speech to the Romanians. The King mentioned the achievements in the year which is just ending and highlighted how important it was for Romania to get closer to the European state family. Here is His Majesty's speech. (O.B.)
Dear Romanians,
The years which has not come to an end has got great consequences for our country. Romania...   (4 afisari)
The Serbians are demolishing the only Romanian church
Romanians in Timoc in danger
Stirred by Church officials, the Serbian civil authorities have decided to demolish the only Romanian church in Serbia, built by dean Boian Alexandrovici in the village of Malainita. although in the village there is no authorized building or urbanism plan, yesterday the Building Department from Negotin informed Alexandrovici that on December 31 he would receive the decision to demolish the Romanian church....   (3 afisari)
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 Samson incearca sa puna mana pe "Fruvimed" (28 afisari)
 Sarbii demoleaza unica biserica romaneasca (26 afisari)
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