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  Nr. 3208 de miercuri, 29 decembrie 2004 
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Current scenarios
Kiev's historical victory was Bucharest's victory too
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
We just can't avoid comparison, simply because we are talking about two election victories on the edge. They took place almost in the same time and in neighbor countries. Still there are more differences than similarities between the two of them. Romania has been under a deep reform...   (2 afisari)
Pushing 16% rate
The main point of the election campaign carried out by PNL (the National Liberal Party) - PD (the Democrat Party) Alliance was the use of a single tax rate starting with January 2005. Yesterday vice PM Adriean Videanu stated it was allowed to postpone such date for 6 months. But later on he claimed Tariceanu's government was going to stick to the date announce during the election campaign. His first statement referred to modifications on the fiscal code that had to be set...   (2 afisari)      1 comentariu
Basescu asks SRI to eliminate mob like groups of influence
President says corruption and terrorism are most dangerous threats
Yesterday president Traian Basescu made his first statement concerning the secret services. Basescu participated at the meeting of the SRI (the Romanian Secret Service) leading board that lasted more than one hour and a half. The leading board of the most important Romanian secret service provided the president with the general status of national security. During...   (4 afisari)
Voronin argues with Russia
Yesterday Vladimir Voronin, communist president of the Republic of Moldavia, stated that the presence of Russian troops on Moldavian territory was illegal and said that Moscow's explanations for disobeying assignments concerning the retreat of troops were not credible, informs Rompres. Vladimir Voronin called Moscow's arguments a "joke" since Moscow claimed that the separatists in Transdnistria prevented the retreat of Russian troops. The Moldavian President...   (2 afisari)
Europe rebuilds Romania
-- EU finances Bucharest's historical center @ Bucharest officials want to bring the city back to international tourism
Within a few years the capital of Romania is going to get reintegrated in international tourism. The historical center is to become main attraction. From next years on Bucharest officials are to give some hundred billion ROL for the rebuilding of the historical center. Curtea Veche (The Old Court Palace) will be the first historical objective...   (1 afisare)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Liberalul Ion Vranceanu, noul baron de Vaslui (166 afisari)
 Cutermurul a modificat harta Asiei (57 afisari)
 Grupari fasciste in coalitia lui Iuscenko (27 afisari)
 Presedintele Basescu a repezit un ziarist (22 afisari)
 16% cu forcepsul (22 afisari)
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