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  Nr. 3196 de luni, 13 decembrie 2004 
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Current scenarios
DA Alliance mistakes
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
As I am now writing this editorial, we don't know election results yet. We don't even know about the opinion polls accomplished by Metro Media Transylvania - Insomar and by CURS. And I haven't gone voting yet, but I will surely do it. On the other hand, the information included in this title and editorial simply relies on...   (1 afisare)
Equal score
-- 7:00 p.m. exit - poll: INSOMAR - Metro Media Transilvania: 50% - 50%, CURS: 50,7% Nastase - 49,3% Basescu
The president's name is up to Ghergut and BEC (the Central Electoral Office). We are sure to learn this name after the official counting. Exit polls include error rate. CURS informed 50,7% for Nastase and 49,3% for Basescu, after 7:00 p.m. estimations. After ballot - counting till 7:00 p.m. Metromedia Transilvania and INSOMAR estimated perfectly equal score: 50% to 50%.
According...   (2 afisari)
APD: Election fraud in Stefanestii de Jos
Press release has it that that APD (Pro Democracy Association) reports on election fraud in balloting station no. 166, Stefanestii de Jos, the district of Ilfov.
APD release informs: "Balloting commission members signed instead of citizens who did not come voting". When asked why they did this, they replied: " So that things can work out the way they should be." The APD observer was offered 200 Euro forget about the report. In balloting station no....   (4 afisari)
Trucks transported illiterate gypsies and mentally ill to balloting stations
-- Priest sanctioned for voting for Basescu
In the district of Olt elections continued just like two weeks before: with serious breaks of the electoral law. Such incidents were beyond the power of authorities, partly because the latter were not really familiar with the law. They hesitated to take serious action and sanction those who were favored in one way or the other.
In the village of Colonesti there occurred...   (4 afisari)
Special balloting station positioning confused electors
Theoretically speaking, the idea to create 6 balloting stations in Bucharest for citizens passing buy or living in a different locality was a good one. This way they hoped to diminish fraud and electoral tourism that could be noticed two weeks before. But practically speaking the measure was in fact discouraging and meant to prevent electors from voting. The 6 balloting stations were places in almost all the districts of Bucharest:...   (1 afisare)
Mayors as makers of electoral law
Numerous law breaks and severe malfunction dominated the second presidential election tour. But it was the mayors who broke the law in the most visible way possible. They took the most unexpected action ever in order to influence votes. Hundred resident visas were released so that citizens could vote on special lists. According to D.A. ("Truth and Justice") Alliance representatives, such visas were illegally released, since the citizens asking for them did...   (1 afisare)
Romanian elections live on CNN
Yesterday famous news channel CNN has taken over images and presidential election information from Relitatea TV, Romanian news channel. Melania Medeleanu has reported live to CNN on Romanian elections. People all over the world have seen what Romanian citizens have watched on Realitatea TV. One month ago the two TV channels reached partnership. It has been the first partnership of the kind between CNN and some other news channel. The US channel takes...   (1 afisare)
Catalina Ponor is beam queen
Yesterday Catalin Ponor won the gold medal in the beam final in the Birmingham World Cup 2004. She managed to defeat Chinese Li Ya and Romanian Alexandra Eremia and got 9,725. But Brasilian Daiane dos Santos defeated Ponor at floor, as the latter only got 9,625.
As for the parallel bars in men's contest, Marius Urzica came third with 9,737. He followed Slovenian Mitja Petkovsek (9,787) and Chinese Huang Xu (9,762). Marian Dragulescu only managed to come...   (1 afisare)
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