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  Nr. 3189 de sambata, 4 decembrie 2004 
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Current scenarios
Eyes on UDMR and hands on the wallet
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
As expected, UDMR (the Democrat Union of Hungarians in Romania) is going too far on all sides. After studying the predictable election results, Marko Bela's party set assault on potential coalition partners in due time. The...   (2 afisari)
UDMR pushes it too far
Yesterday the Operation Council of UDMR (the Democrat Union of Hungarians in Romania) decided to negotiate only with PSD (the Social - Democrat Party) and set a strict conditions @ Marko Bela stated: "This is the realist solution to the making of majority with view to the Romanian Parliament" @ After the meeting of the operation Council, Bela and Nastase had coffee together and they are to meet again on Monday @ The Magyars want: consent to various forms of autonomy,...   (2 afisari)
APD sets conditions for election observation
-- APD will monitor the second presidential election tour only if the election law is improved
APD (Pro Democracy Association) observers will monitor the second election tour due on December 12 only if the Executive proves to be well - meaning and willing to change election legislation. Cristian Parvulescu, APD leader, stated it yesterday, after his meeting with BEC (the Central Electoral Office) representatives. After the first tour of parliamentary...   (1 afisare)
Romania's negotiations with EU at bay
Romania's EU admission negotiations with the European Union seem to be at bay: the European Commission did not recommend member states to fulfil the negotiation chapter on economy competition. The member states can disregard the decision of the European Commission, but the days are counted. Romania must fulfil two more negotiation chapters on Competition, Justice and Internal affairs by December 17. As this is electoral time, Romania is under the pressure...   (1 afisare)
European Right Wing asks for investigation on Romanian elections
Hans - Gert Pottering, President of the parliamentary group representing the European Right Wing of the European People's Party (EPP) in the Parliament of Europe, asked the Council of Europe and the European Commission to carefully study fraud charges against the recent elections in Romania. This is stated in a press release by the above - mentioned parliamentary group, informs Mediafax. Democrat election results must be beyond...   (3 afisari)
Onno Simons: The European Commission asks Pro Democracy Association to participate at observation on the second presidential election tour
Yesterday Onno Simons, second chief of the European Delegation to Bucharest stated to ACTMedia and ZIUA exclusively that the non - government organization APD (Pro Democracy Association) should reconsider the recent decision on retreating from observing the second presidential election tour due in December 12. According to the EU official, more than...   (1 afisare)      1 comentariu
   (1 afisare)
D.A. Alliance rejects collaboration with PSD
Yesterday the Permanent Delegation of PNL (the National Liberal Party) and the leading board of PD (the Democrat party) adopted resolution appealing to all Romanian citizens "irrespective of political options" to vote for Traian Basescu in the second presidential election tour. The document unanymously adopted by the Liberals and the Democrats express firm support for Traian Basescu. The resolution shows: "" This is why we are asking PNL and...   (2 afisari)
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