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  Nr. 3186 de miercuri, 1 decembrie 2004 
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Current scenarios
The key to Cotroceni
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
The tight score of parliamentary elections moves the political centre to Cotroceni. The future state president has got the key to resolve the parliamentary blockage related to the making of the future government. According to Constitution...   (2 afisari)
Project Syndicate
Gunboat democracy?
In one sense, Iraq's weapons of mass destruction were also weapons of mass distraction. Without doubt, President George W. Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair believed that Saddam Hussein either had, or had the wherewithal to produce, such weapons when they decided for pre-emptive war. In the case of Iraq, there was particular fear of chemical and biological weapons.
But WMD were not the only motive for war. Both leaders were outraged about a...   (1 afisare)
Political crisis
D.A. ("Truth and Justice") Alliance asked BEC (the Central Electoral Office) to annul 28 November elections and repeat balloting @ Traian Basescu denounced "massive fraud" @ PRM ("Great Romania" Party) also denied results announced by BEC and asked for vote repeating @ PSD (the Social - Democrat Party)+PUR (the Romanian Humanist Party) denies accusations and believes there were fair elections @ Miron Mitrea state that to annul the balloting was out of question in Romania...   (2 afisari)
USA: Romanian election malfunction
USA believes there were some "problems" with the Romanian general elections, but it can't say there was major fraud during the balloting. "The US Embassy to Bucharest sent observers to the balloting process. They noticed some malfunction, similar to the one described by mass - media". This is mentioned in the press release sent by the Washington Government representatives to Bucharest. " Right now we cannot say if such malfunction show major frauds. It...   (2 afisari)      1 comentariu
EU integration goes on
Yesterday evening the Foreign Affairs Commission in the Parliament of Europe voted the report project on Romania's progress with the EU admission, informs Rador. The Foreign Affairs Commission of the EU parliament voted the report project on Romania's progress with 64 FOR votes, 8 AGAINST votes and 5 refrains. Debates were very hot, including harsh statements of the Green Party members, who said the report was too positive and that they should take into account law...   (1 afisare)
Bulgaria takes up EU admission war against Romania
"Sophia Echo", English language Bulgarian weekly publishes an article called " Romania slows down Bulgaria's EU admission". The article states that " the debate on the question whether the EU admission of Bulgaria and Romania should be separated was taken up again when the country report was presented in the Parliament of Europe." The Bulgarian weekly specifies that German EU MP Alexander Lambsdorff recommended that the admission of the...   (1 afisare)
Geoana admitted PSD stenograms true
Mircea Geoana admitted that the stenograms of PSD (the Social - Democrat Party) permanent Delegation meetings published last week were true. It admitted it during his Monday evening meeting with foreign press representatives accredited to Bucharest. When asked where did the stenograms leak to the press from, Geoana said it was from the Cabinet of Dorina Mihailescu, PSD Executive Secretary. One of the stenograms published by ZIUA included a conversation...   (2 afisari)
Orange revolution outcome: Russia lost, Ukraine is split
Commentary by Stanislav Belkovski, published in Nezavisimaia Gazeta
What happened in Ukraine is the most real revolution of all. Russian political elite has not realized till now. The view saying that Kiev events are well - paid coup set by experts in politics has got nothing to do with reality. Hundred thousand people went out in the streets not because somebody paid them to. They simply knew beforehand that election results would...   (4 afisari)
Romanians are keen on bribe
93,5% of the Romanians admit bribe and know at least one person who bribed. This is shown by the first opinion poll on bribe, accomplished by means of the "Don't Bribe" program - www.nudaspaga.ro. Almost two thirds of the Romanians think most public servants are corrupted and one third bribed at least once during the last two years. The opinion poll was carried out at the request of the Concept Foundation. It was carried out by CURS and the Sociology Institute...   (1 afisare)      1 comentariu
A r h i v a
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 Hunedoara impotriva evaziunii fiscale si a contrafacerilor (59 afisari)
 Pasii spre Marea Unire (40 afisari)
 Maria Marinescu si-a lansat o noua colectie vestimentara (37 afisari)
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