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  Nr. 3181 de joi, 25 noiembrie 2004 
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Current scenarios
Revealing filthy information
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
Just four days before elections, opinion polls show Adrian Nastase is first and will make it to the second presidential election tour. But all sorts of documents have been released on the election market. Up to a point, such thing...   (5 afisari)
Moscovici annulled Verheungen's gift to PSD
-- "It is no white check"
Romania must go on with the fight against corruption and with Justice reform. It must guarantee the freedom of expression. This is the conclusion reached in the resolution project elaborated by the new EU Rapporteur for Romania, Social - Democrat Pierre Moscovici. It was debated by the foreign affairs commission of the Parliament of Europe.
Moscovici told his German colleagues in the foreign affairs commission about the...   (2 afisari)
PSD stenograms scandal reaches Justice
-- Gusa sues Iliescu, Geoana and Corlatean
Press publishing of PSD (the Social - Democrat Party) meeting stenograms has caused reactions. Yesterday Democrat Cozmin Gusa informed he was going to sue state president Ion Iliescu, PSD chosen MP Mircea Geoana and PSD spokesman Titus Corlatean. Gusa explained he had made this decision because the above - mentioned persons had slandered him by claiming he had provided mass - media with the stenograms. But the...   (5 afisari)
Russia rejects Moldavia's Declaration of Stability and Security
BASA - press and Mediafax inform that yesterday Nikolai Reabov, new Russian Ambassador to Chisinau announced that Russia rejected the Declaration of Stability and Security for the Republic of Moldavia. During press conference the Russian diplomat highlighted that the Moscow Government had carefully studied the Stability and Security Pact for the Republic of Moldavia, after the latter had been sent to the sides involved. Russian...   (1 afisare)
Right - oriented group pleads for Buhnici
The Democrat Force Union In Bulgaria, a right - oriented group, stated public debate on possibility to amend the law on using special technical device, as the present Criminal Code set prison sentence to those who used such devices without permit. The information is provided by novinite.com, quoted by Rompres.
The text arrested Bulgarian and foreign public attention, after two journalists had been caught filming images with hidden cameras. One journalist...   (3 afisari)
   (1 afisare)
European People's Party supports Ciuhandu
Yesterday in Bucharest, Wilfried Martens, President of EPP (the European People's Party) stated that Gheorghe Ciuhandu, PNTCD (the National Christian - Democrat Party) candidate running for presidency was " the real successor of Corneliu Coposu."
The EPP leader was in Bucharest on Tuesday and Wednesday. He was in charge of a delegation including: Christian Kramer, EPP Second General Secretary, Councilor Costas Hamatzoglu and Antonio Constanza,...   (1 afisare)
Iliescu's campaign at citizens' expense
Pro Democratia Association (APD) has released "Money and Politics" Report
Just four days before elections, APD (Pro Democracy Association) has released the "Money and Politics" Report, analyzing how much political parties have spent on the presidential and parliamentary election campaign. So far parties have invested about $ 15 million in campaign expenses. A special chapter in the report is dedicated to president Ion Iliescu. It is interesting to...   (2 afisari)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 "Robocop" reloaded (94 afisari)
 Premiile Bienalei de Arhitectura (45 afisari)
 "Singur sub dus" (26 afisari)
 Generalul Lazar Iliescu, condamnat cu suspendare pentru coruptie (24 afisari)
 Un "Watergate" romanesc? (20 afisari)
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