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  Nr. 3179 de marti, 23 noiembrie 2004 
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Current scenarios
Both Ciuhandu and PNTCD?
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
This dilemma is expressed more and more often, either in the open or privately. Even some outstanding press representatives have stated temptation to vote for the president of PNTCD (the National Christian - Democrat Party) in the presidential...   (1 afisare)
Romanian rulers had mandate to give up Basarabia
-- Interview with Anneli Ute Gabanyi
Basarabia is a main issue in Germany, especially for the German Institute for International Affairs and Security in Berlin. Anneli Ute Gabanyi is the political analyst of this institute, expert in the territory between the Prut River and the Nistru. She carefully watches all political evolutions in the area. In 1969 - 1967 Anneli Ute Gabanyi worked for the documentation department of "Europe libera" radio...   (22 afisari)
BBC on the Bastroe disaster in the Danube Delta
Yesterday the BBC Internet page, most prestigious and respected information channel in Europe, presented a material critical of Bastroe shipping canal that Ukraine is building in the Danube Delta. The article is called "Danube Delta Disaster Fears Grow". BBC notices that "A Ukrainian project to build a maritime canal in the Danube Delta - an ecologically rich wetland area - has aroused international concern among environmental officials and...   (5 afisari)
   (2 afisari)
C.V. Tudor will deal with BEM
-- Patriarchy asks for ban on associating the PRM leader image to His Beatitude the Teoctist
Corneliu Vadim Tudor, President of PRM ("Great Romania" Party) has focussed his election campaign discourse on Christianity issues in order to win position as president. In every debate, electoral meeting or press statement Vadim states he "is going to be the first Christian president in the country's history". This is why his campaign strategists have used newspaper...   (1 afisare)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Scandal intre Politie si Parchet pentru Semeghin (235 afisari)
 Parteneriat intre CNN si Realitatea TV (47 afisari)
 Portret expozitional John Cage (46 afisari)
 Danele din Constanta, scoase abuziv la licitatie (43 afisari)
 Stiri pe scurt (37 afisari)
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